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万锦省议员Logan Kanapathi发声明支持跨性别人士权益

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2018-11-21 14:54:46   作者:Kanapathi, Logan

"On November 20th, we remembered and recognized members of Ontario’s Transgender community who tragically lost their lives, and those who continue to suffer from violence and prejudice.  This day, and every day, is about solidarity and reflection. I encourage those in the Trans community to live their lives to the fullest; be proud Ontarians and know our government will respect and work hard for you as respected and valued members of our community.


I have always been a strong advocate, supporter and ally of the LGBTQ2+. I am proud to have provided consistent support to York PFLAG, an organization who represents the LGBTQ2+ community throughout York Region. As a former Markham City Councillor, I was a strong supporter and proponent of the City of Markham’s Pride Flag Rising and Annual Pride Day.

I’d like to be perfectly clear: Should Resolution 4 be debated at next year’s policy convention, I will be speaking out against it as I do not support it in any way, shape or form. The Premier’s office has confirmed that Premier Doug Ford will explore every option as Leader of the Ontario PC Party to prevent this resolution from moving forward.

We were excited to have almost 2000 dedicated and passionate conservatives attend our convention this past weekend. Our party is strong, united and diverse. The political ideology of our members spans across the spectrum, and we encourage all members to bring forward their personal ideas. I cannot emphasize enough that Resolution 4 does not in any way constitute a stated policy goal of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party, nor is it part of our government’s existing legislative agenda. Before making it to the floor of the convention, this resolution was brought to the PC Policy Advisory Committee which is comprised of MPPs and Party Members. Anyone is allowed to submit an amendment. The PC Policy Advisory Committee rejected this motion.

After this resolution was rejected at the PC Policy Advisory Committee, it was brought to a vote at the convention by that same member, a delegate who was stripped of her credentials as a PC candidate before the June election. Her views are not in any way representative of the diverse membership of the Ontario PC party. Additionally, as this was a non-binding resolution, it does not in any way constitute a platform promise. The government remains committed to serving the needs of all Ontarians.

As MPP for Markham-Thornhill, I am, and always will be, a strong voice for everyone in the riding of Markham-Thornhill, regardless of age, ability, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender. 

There is no room for intolerance or disrespect anywhere in Ontario or across Canada."

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