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来源:CPAC   更新:2021-06-28 21:48:20   作者:CPAC

Statement on the Fatal Attack on A Muslim Family in London, Ontario


We are horrified and outraged by the brutal murder of four people of a Muslim family in London, Ontario because of their religion. We condemn in the strongest term this hate motivated, heinous crime. 

We express our deepest sympathy to the surviving and extended families of the victims. We stand in solidarity with them and with the Muslim community in Canada.

This is not the first time that Muslim Canadians get killed by domestic terrorists motivated by hate. Our governments, education systems and media must do more to reduce prejudice and hate against Islam and any other religion. We collectively as a society must advance the values of multiculturalism, racial harmony, equity and human rights, and make every effort possible to prevent such killings from happening again.

Hate crime has been on the rise in Canada. We call upon the federal government to act and strengthen and toughen its hate crime legislation, as communities and human rights groups have called for, and both federal and provincial and territorial governments to provide clear and adequate guidelines and training on hate crime prosecution and sentencing.

Hate crimes must stop, and perpetrators must be prosecuted and punished to the degrees they deserve.




【多伦多68日】 惊闻安省伦敦市一个穆斯林家庭在路上散步时,因其宗教信仰而遭到卡车袭击,造成四死一伤,我们对此深感震惊和愤怒。我们强烈谴责这种以仇恨为动机的令人发指的罪行。









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