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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2017-01-25 14:54:51   作者:关慧贞


“Today Donald Trump signed executive orders to erect walls and barriers to the peaceful immigration of people into the United States.


These actions are aimed at specific ethnic groups and religions that have been the target of increased bigotry and hateful rhetoric over the past year.


We are deeply troubled by these orders and the impact they will have on immigrants and especially on refugees fleeing persecution.


As global citizens and defenders of human rights, Canada must be willing to do its part in addressing the increase in the number of refugees that will be denied entry into the United States.


On behalf of my New Democrat colleagues, I call on the new minister of Immigration to present Canadians with a plan to address these serious concerns.


I think we could all benefit from keeping in mind the inspirational words written at the foot of the Statue of Liberty that begin with ‘Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.’”




Trump orders construction of border wall, boosts deportation force

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