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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2021-04-16 19:17:19   作者:关慧贞







Statement by MP Jenny Kwan Regarding the Sentencing of Veteran Democracy Activists and the Deteriorating Political Situation in Hong Kong  
“It is hard to fathom how badly the political situation has deteriorated in Hong Kong in less than one year. Ever since China unilaterally imposed the National Security Law in Hong Kong on July 1st, 2020, Hong Kong’s autonomy under “one country, two systems” has been annihilated, and its people have lost even the most basic of human rights and freedoms. 

Under Communist China’s oppressive regime, the once non-partisan civil service in Hong Kong has been completely politicized. Their first loyalty is not to the people they serve but to the government. They are all required to swear an oath of allegiance to the government. Those in the education sector have also been targeted. There have been numerous reports of censorship of various literature with any reference to democratic rights and erasing of historical facts. The promotion of the Chinese Security Law is now embedded in the education system for students as young as three.    

When the National People’s Congress enacted the National Security Law, both the Chinese and Hong Kong government clearly stated that the law cannot be retroactively applied, and will only target acts of sedition, subversion, terrorism and collusion with foreign forces. They also stated that the law will be enacted in accordance with common law.  Since the passage of the National Security Law, we have seen multiple examples that contradict these assertions. The reality is that the National Security Law severely undermines Hong Kong’s common law legal system. It's far reaching as its authority extends into both the public and private spheres.  Even civil cases can be subjected to national security investigation.   
With the recent overhaul of Hong Kong’s electoral system, it is clear that all democratic elements of the electoral process in Hong Kong have been nullified. Under this new system, all candidates must be vetted by national security officials. The mass arrest and charges laid against pro-democracy candidates who had participated in the primaries of the postponed Legislative Council election is a scare tactic to silence any dissenting voices. The regime is so intolerant that there is pending legislation that will deem the act of encouraging people to cast blank ballots in protest as a criminal offence. 
The people of Hong Kong no longer have the freedom to stand for elected office and they have lost their right to peaceful assembly. Their voice has been robbed as their right to the freedom of expression are also eliminated. In fact, holding up a blank piece of paper on the street in protest could be deemed to be in violation of the National Security Law. The National Security Law even applies in foreign countries around the globe, including Canada. In other words, Canadians who are in support of Hongkongers are deemed to be in violation. 

Beijing’s authoritative suppression has smashed to pieces Hong Kong’s autonomy under the promise of “one country, two systems”, leading to a massive exodus of Hongkongers emigrating due to the loss of their freedoms and fear for their children’s future.
Today with the sentencing of veteran democracy activists such as Martin Lee, Jimmy Lai, Albert Ho, Lee Cheuk-wan, Margaret Ng, Yeung Sum, among others for standing up for the freedoms that were promised to all Hongkongers and the international community by the Chinese government, the heart of Hong Kong's “one country, two systems” has been pierced with a death nail. The sentencing of these freedom fighters marks a dark day where the "Pearl of the Orient" has lost its soul. Canada and its allies must unite and redouble every effort to support of the people of Hong Kong. 

Canada must immediately act to bring in asylum measures for Hongkongers who fear political persecution. We must also work with allied countries to form a strong, unified response and demand accountability from China. The Sino-British Joint Declaration is a legally valid international treaty registered by the United Nations, which China has the obligation to uphold. Breaching the promises of the treaty cannot continue without accountability and consequences. ”
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