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—— 总理杜鲁多以及反对党在多元文化日的声明
来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-06-28 09:46:10   作者:贴心姐妹网


“I join Canadians across the country today to celebrate multiculturalism, and our long and proud tradition of inclusion and diversity.

“As the first country in the world to adopt a policy of multiculturalism 45 years ago, Canada has shown time and time again that a country can be stronger not in spite of its differences, but because of them.

“As Canadians, we appreciate the immense freedom we have to show pride in our individual identities and ancestries. No matter our religion, where we were born, what colour our skin, or what language we speak, we are equal members of this great country.

“Our roots reach out to every corner of the globe. We are from far and wide, and speak over 200 languages. Our national fabric is vibrant and varied, woven together by many cultures and heritages, and underlined by a core value of respect. Multiculturalism is our strength, as synonymous with Canada as the Maple Leaf.

“Today, let us celebrate multiculturalism as a vital component of our national fabric, and let us express gratitude to Canadians of all backgrounds who have made, and who continue to make, such valuable contributions to our country.”       

保守党临时领袖Rona Ambrose的声明:

 "Today Canadians from all across the country celebrate one of the long lasting traditions of this country, multiculturalism.
 "Every day, people from all around the world arrive in Canada seeking freedom and equality. They bring with them a variety of skills, a desire to succeed and commitment to hard work.
 "In Canada, we believe that every citizen has value and something to contribute, regardless of where you were born, your heritage, or your religion. Whether you have recently arrived to this country or your family has been here for generations, you should have the equal opportunity to support your family, your community, and your country.
 "As we approach Canada Day and its celebration of all those features that make Canada the best country in the world, it’s worth reflecting today on the many ideas and values that have helped shaped us as a nation.
 "On Canadian Multiculturalism Day, I encourage all Canadians to celebrate and further strengthen the rich and diverse cultural mosaic that we have created."
新民主党多元文化评论员 Rachel Blaney (North Island – Powell River) 的声明:
“Today, as we celebrate Multiculturalism Day, we take stock of the unity and coexistence of the many traditions and cultures that make up our great country. This is a heritage we can take great pride in.
The New Democratic Party is honoured to highlight our nation’s diversity, but we cannot take it for granted. We cannot stay silent when bigotry, discrimination and racism continue to be given platforms here at home and abroad.
Let’s take a moment to discover, and rediscover, the many cultural riches of our communities and the contributions they have made toward our shared values. The NDP is committed to the multicultural ideals of equality, openness and compassion.”
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