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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-06-27 22:45:13   作者:贴心姐妹网

Beet, Pineapple Avocado & OJ Smoothie


1/2 ripe Avocado from Mexico, pitted and scooped out

2 cups peeled and diced beets 

2 cups peeled, cored and diced pineapple 

3/4 cup orange juice freshly squeezed

*serves 2


For a smoothie

1. Place all ingredients in the blender, and puree until completely smooth

2. Pour into glasses

For juice

1. Pass the beets and pineapple through a juicer

2. Place the beet and pineapple juice in blender along with the avocado and orange juice, and puree until smooth

2. Pour into glasses

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