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万锦市议会全票通过新附例 禁止市民在公共场所吸食大麻

来源:万锦市政府   更新:2018-10-16 20:18:43   作者:万锦市政府

At a Special Meeting today, Markham Council passed a new Cannabis By-law that further protects the health and well-being of Markham residents and ensures local community needs and concerns are fully addressed.

The Cannabis By-law prohibits the smoking and vaporizing of recreational cannabis in any public place in the City of Markham. Markham is the first municipality in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area to pass such a by-law. 

On October 17, 2018, cannabis will be legal in Canada. In addition to new federal legislation, the Province will also pass legislation governing the implementation and enforcement of the distribution and sale of cannabis. The Ontario Government has publicly indicated that municipalities have the authority to provide additional local restrictions on the smoking of cannabis in public places.

The City of Markham’s new by-law is more restrictive than the proposed provincial cannabis legislation and includes the following provisions:

1. Cannabis consumption is generally restricted to private residences. 

2. No person shall smoke or vaporize cannabis, or hold or otherwise use lighted cannabis in any public place, including, but not limited to, the following:  

  • Anthony Roman Centre
  • Facilities owned by the City of Markham including, arenas, community centres, libraries, parks and pools
  • Parks, trails and natural areas
  • All schools, daycares and other childcare facilities
  • Roads, sidewalks and municipal boulevards
  • Shopping centres and retail establishments
  • Commercial or business premises
  • Public and private parking lots

3. Introduces fines and penalties of up to $1,000 for contraventions of the By-law. 

4. Provides an exemption for medical cannabis users.


The negative health risks associated with smoking of any kind (tobacco or cannabis) are well documented in academic and medical research. This is especially true with respect to youth. Markham’s new Cannabis By-law will better protect the quality of life for residents and visitors and ensure our public spaces continue to be enjoyed by all.


View the new Cannabis By-law at  markham.ca/cannabisinfo. 


(Source: City of Markham)

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