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奥罗拉市首次推出网上投票 选民将有三种投票方式

来源:奥罗拉市政府   更新:2018-09-04 03:19:13   作者:奥罗拉市政府
奥罗拉市首次推出网上投票 选民将有三种投票方式

Having your say in this fall’s municipal election is a whole lot easier now with three different ways to vote in the Town of Aurora.

In the 2018 municipal election, taking place on Monday October 22, Aurora voters will be electing one mayor, six at-large councillors (reduced from eight) and a school board trustee.

Eligible voters can vote online or in person during the advanced voting period (Oct. 12-21), or vote in person on Election Day (Oct. 22). This is the first ever election that the Town of Aurora will be offering online voting, allowing individuals the convenience of voting from their computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone, from anywhere in the world.

It also ensures those with mobility issues and those who need help getting to and from voting locations can now exercise their democratic right from the comfort of their own homes.

The Town of Aurora has sent out Voter Registration Notices in the mail to families living east of Bayview in homes that have been built in the last four years. Be sure to fill this out and return it in the envelope provided.

You will need to do this in order to vote online.

To vote in Aurora’s municipal election you must be:

• a Canadian citizen; and

• at least 18 years old; and

• a resident in the Town of Aurora; or

• a non-resident of Aurora, but you or your spouse own or rent property in the Town

For more information on the Aurora Municipal Election, including the list of registered candidates, and where and when to vote, please visit: aurora.ca/vote2018

(Source: Town of Aurora)

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