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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2018-08-13 13:33:21   作者:贴心姐妹网编辑



  • race, colour or ethnic background
  • religious beliefs or practices
  • ancestry, including individuals of Aboriginal descent
  • place of origin
  • citizenship, including refugee status
  • sex (including pregnancy and gender identity)
  • family status
  • marital status, including those with a same-sex partner
  • disability
  • sexual orientation
  • age, including individuals who are 16 or 17 years old and no longer
  • living with their parents
  • receipt of public assistance.


  • Rental history, credit references and/or credit checks may be requested. A lack of rental or credit history should not be viewed negatively.
  • A landlord can ask for income information, but they must also ask for and consider together any available information on rental history, credit references and credit checks (such as through Equifax Canada).
  • Income information can only be considered on its own when no other information is made available.
  • Income information should be limited to confirming that the person has enough income to cover the rent.
  • It is illegal for housing providers to apply a rent-to-income ratio such as a 30% cut-off rule. However, income information alone and rent-to-income ratios may be considered when tenants are applying for subsidized units where the rent amount is geared to income level.
  • Housing providers can also ask for a “guarantor” to sign the lease – but only if the landlord has the same requirements for all tenants, not just for people identified by Code grounds, such as recent immigrants or people receiving social assistance.
  • Regulation 290/98 under the Code permits no other inquiries.


Examples of discrimination

Here are just a few examples of the many ways people can experience discrimination in housing:

  • A landlord proceeds with an eviction even after learning a tenant has been in hospital for a long time after a work accident.
  • A superintendent makes unwelcome sexual gestures and suggestive comments to a female tenant about how she wears her clothes and hair.
  • While building security quickly investigates harassment complaints involving most tenants, they never follow up when a transgender tenant raises similar concerns.
  • A landlord streams new immigrants and single mothers into older buildings and units that need fixing, because he wrongly thinks these groups are less responsible than other tenants.
  • A neighbourhood residency group lobbies for zoning by-laws to keep social housing for psychiatric survivors out of their neighbourhood.
  • A woman, who is White, but who has two racialized children, is deeply offended after trying to rent an apartment from a landlord who comments that one of her “house rules” is that tenants not associate with “coloured people.”
  • A rental ad reads “suits a working person” implying that people who receive social assistance or are unable to work due to a disability, or other Code ground, are not welcome or need not apply.


Policy on human rights and rental housing



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