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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2018-08-03 04:00:02   作者:贴心姐妹网



万锦市市长薛家平:有人传播不实消息,激发市民的愤怒和恐慌 链接


副市长、区域议员许正杰(Jack Heath):


"At present I have not enunciated any position.  I am still getting more information.  One reason I accepted the petitions yesterday was to get the matter into the system so that it would come before Council at its next meeting.  That will happen in very early September.  That’s when we can discuss it, and get staff input and the public’s.  I look on this as more federal in nature and recommend people also talk to our MPs of which we have 4 – Bob Saroya, Mary Ng, Peter Kent and Jane Philpott."



"Unfortunately I can’t comment until I hear out from our Mayor directly when Council resume in September."

第三选区市议员 Don Hamilton:


"Unfortunately I am not completely familiar with Mayor Tory's request to our Mayor. 

I only know that our Mayor Scarpitti apparently offered to house illegal asylum seekers in vacant Catholic schools here in Markham. 

It was said by the Mayor that any costs associated with housing these people would be borne by the Federal government. Today on CTV news it was said that costs would largely be borne by the Federal government.  (链接:多伦多数百寻求庇护者搬家:从学生宿舍迁入旅馆)

I don't support anything that is illegal. If the asylum rules need changing then let's work together to change them. 

I also believe that our Mayor should consult with our Council before making commitments such as he made. He doesn't represent Markham, all of Council does."

第五选区市议员Colin Campbell: 


"Like many residents in Markham, my wife and I emigrated to Canada in 1980 completely legally.  I will not support any money or resources to be spent by our city on  illegal entries."






There’s nothing ‘illegal’ about asylum seekers


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