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来源:脸书   更新:2017-09-27 18:39:02   作者:孟昭文(美国纽约州众议员)


I wish I could say that I was shocked that there is a new video game soon to be released called "Dirty Chinese Restaurant."

This game uses every negative and demeaning stereotype that I have ever come across as a Chinese American. From the names used for the characters of the game, to the types of food they cook, to the disturbing depiction of their faces, this game epitomizes racism against Asian Americans. I fear that prejudice against and othering of Asian Americans remains a form of racism that is too frequently brushed off and tacitly accepted. Racism against Asian Americans is just as harmful and pernicious as racism against any other group, and we must call it out when we see it. How we portray people matters.

I urge Google, Apple, Android, and any other platform to not carry the game Dirty Chinese Restaurant, or any other game that glorifies in hurting any community.

(Souce: 美国纽约州众议员孟昭文脸书贴文 https://www.facebook.com/repgracemeng/)

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