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来源:多伦多市政府   更新:2017-07-04 23:09:01   作者:多伦多市政府

Toronto City Council unanimously adopts Tenants First – Phase 1 Implementation Plan

During today's Toronto City Council meeting at City Hall, Council unanimously adopted the Tenant First – Phase 1 Implementation Plan (EX 26.2).

"Today's unanimous vote is another step in the ongoing work to improve social housing in Toronto," said Mayor John Tory. "This plan responds to recommendations from the Mayor's Task Force and is laser focused on enhancing services and experiences for all Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) tenants, especially those who are most vulnerable. I look forward to reviewing future phases of this plan."

The Tenants First – Phase 1 Implementation Plan was first reviewed by Executive Committee on June 19. The plan contains a total of 11 recommendations, of which three are key recommendations:
• The creation of a new Seniors Housing and Services entity that is more directly accountable to City Council and is responsible for managing 83 seniors-designated buildings (approx. 14,000 units) currently within the TCHC portfolio.
• A process to better focus TCHC on serving the needs of families, youth, vulnerable tenants and seniors living in mixed buildings.
• A proposed new funding model to ensure adequate funding for both TCHC and the proposed new Seniors Housing and Services entity. 

A copy of the Phase 1 Implementation Plan is available at http://www.toronto.ca/tenantsfirst.

"Phase 1 of the plan is a significant step forward to improve the quality of life for existing and future Toronto Community Housing residents," said Councillor Ana Bailão (Ward 18 Davenport), City Council's Housing Advocate. "It will enable the creation of stronger partnerships with the public and not-for-profit sectors to better provide services and support for all TCHC tenants and Toronto's rapidly growing seniors population. I would like to thank City Council, the project team, TCHC staff and most importantly, TCHC tenants for their continued work and leadership to create positive change."

The Tenants First Project Team was established to continue the work of the Tenants First report and has been guiding the Tenants First Implementation Plan. A 13-member Tenant Advisory Panel was created to share lived experience, knowledge and advice in the development of the plan. Input and feedback on phase 1 was also sought from Toronto Community Housing, the non-profit sector, TCHC tenants, City staff and others.

The Implementation Plan is aligned with the Toronto Seniors Strategy, Housing Opportunities Toronto Today, TO Prosperity: Toronto Poverty Reduction Strategy, Toronto Youth Equality Strategy, Toronto Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy 2020, and Toronto Newcomer Strategy. 

The Tenants First Project Team and TCHC will begin work immediately to implement phase 1 of the plan. The Project Team has committed to submitting phase 2 of the Implementation Plan to City Council in Fall 2017. Funding requirements for phase 1 of the plan will be submitted as part of the 2018 budget process.

Link to EX 26.2 - Tenant First - Phase 1 Implementation Plan: http://app.toronto.ca/tmmis/viewAgendaItemHistory.do?item=2017.EX26.2 

(Source: City of Toronto)

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