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“不眠之夜”艺术展“遗忘”系列探索“生命和宇宙”主题 展览延至10月10日

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-10-03 13:04:56   作者:贴心姐妹网
“不眠之夜”艺术展“遗忘”系列探索“生命和宇宙”主题 展览延至10月10日

 © Nuit Blanche Toronto    Ocean

 © Nuit Blanche Toronto    Death of the Sun

 © Nuit Blanche Toronto    Pneuma , 2016




- a water screen projection underneath the Freedom Arches of Nathan Phillips Square ("Pneuma" by Floria Sigismondi)

- 720 watches each stopped at a different minute, displaying all possible hour and minute combinations of a 12-hour clock ("The Museum of Broken Watches" by Trevor Mahovsky and Rhonda Weppler)

- a 16-mm silent film performing a silent dedication entirely in American Sign Language ("Silent Dedication" by Shary Boyle)

- a river of 10,000 donated books, by The Salvation Army Thrift Store, overflowing down the steps of Old City Hall ("Literature vs. Traffic" by Luzinterruptus)

- a 45-foot diameter sun ("Death of the Sun" by Director X) illustrating its life cycle and eventual death

- a digital painting built from 3D scans that audiences could enter through a specially designed app ("The Merging" by Nicola Verlato)

- a canopy of approximately 1,700 fabric streamers exploring the underbelly of the ocean ("Ocean" by Philip Beesley)

- five evocative composed scents representing the olfactory landscape of the Toronto sky ("Ascension" by Julie C. Fortier)

- 1,200 watercolour paintings, each depicting a cell in a large-scale animated short ("Scenes of Failure" by Enrique Marty)

- more than 24 hours of footage of the Niagara Escarpment representing the disparate origins of the water that flows into Lake Ontario ("Fallen Water" by Kevin Cooley)


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