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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-06-04 05:24:43   作者:贴心姐妹网


《多伦多星报》社论:Chinese foreign minister’s outburst undermines his case: Editorial

“At the risk of rousing the ire of China’s foreign minister, who apparently so detests being challenged by journalists, we humbly offer him a bit of advice: if you want to quell international concerns about your country’s human rights record, publicly attempting to silence foreign reporters is probably not the way to go.” (“在可能引起憎恨受到记者挑战的中国外交部长的愤怒的风险下,我们谦卑地向他提供一点建议:你要压制人们对你国家人权纪录的关注,公开企图让外国记者保持沉默不太可能是有效的方式)

Michael Petrou: Dion’s silence was embarrassing as China’s foreign affairs minister berated a Canadian reporter

"His outburst may seem like a small thing, and compared to the treatment the Chinese government inflicts on dissident journalists in China, it is. And yet by telling a journalist what is or isn’t an “acceptable” question, he was attacking a foundational freedom of Canadian democracy: that of journalists to hold politicians accountable.” (“他的发飙看起来是小事,和中国政府迫害异见记者相比,的确是小事。但是,告诉一位记者什么是‘可以接受的问题’,他是在攻击加拿大民主制度中的基石性的自由:记者向政治人物问责的自由”)

China’s Great Fear of the Looking Glass

“In an outburst of indignation, Wang argued that “it is the Chinese people who are … in the best position to have a say about China’s human rights situation.” The problem, of course, is that the Chinese who indeed are in the best position to talk about the dire human rights environment in China are increasingly faced with state-sponsored intimidation, arrest, and long imprisonment.” (“王毅在发飙时辩解说‘中国人对中国人权现状最有发言权’。问题是,当然,对中国糟糕的人权现状最有发言权的人正日益面对来自政府的威胁、逮捕和长期监禁”

Dear Wang Yi: Here are some Chinese people who would like to “have a say” about human rights

Despite the government-backed abuse and trampling of their constitutional rights, every day people in China try to “have a say” about human rights. It’s just something that Wang and other officials from Beijing don’t want to hear. (“尽管政府践踏他们的宪法权利,中国民众每一天都在努力争取对人权的发言权。只是,这是王毅和其他北京官员不愿意听到的”)。





2012年焦点回顾:没有被庆祝的《人权宪章》三十周年(之一) “对妇女、对少数民族,宪章是非常重要的”



Fundamental Freedoms

2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

(a) freedom of conscience and religion;

(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and

(d) freedom of association.


 第三十五条 中华人民共和国公民有言论、出版、集会、结社、游行、示威的自由。

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