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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-04-19 22:51:45   作者:贴心姐妹网



GOVERNMENT ACTION – Implement labour market research

The government should conduct its own labour market research to project demand for skills, both in the near and distant futures; and on a rolling basis, amend those projections as the data changes. The current federal model takes too long, and the Province can do a better job in determining what skilled professions are needed.

GOVERNMENT ACTION – Support training programs for women in skilled trades

The government should continue to support preapprenticeship programs focused towards women. This will help to remove barriers that preclude women from entering fields like skilled trades.

BUSINESS ACTION – Target industry promotions and recruitment

Businesses and Associations should engage in industry promotions and recruitment drives targeted towards female students and women. Business associations should consider outreach to career guidance counselors to highlight opportunities for students.

JOINT ACTION – Promote positive role models

The government should partner with business to establish different initiatives that address the stereotype threat.

JOINT ACTION – Pilot education campaigns

The Government of Ontario should partner with an organization like the HRPA to develop a pilot educational campaign targeted at senior elementary school women, with the goal of educating them about career opportunities while combating stereotypes.


GOVERNMENT ACTION – Sponsor negotiation training

The government should sponsor negotiation training programs aimed not only at high school students, but also at women in higher education, and professionals.


BUSINESS ACTION – Diversify applicant pool

Research has shown that ensuring women comprise at least 25% of a job applicant pool can help reduce the biases that could disadvantage women.

BUSINESS ACTION – Implement gender blind initial reviews and standard interviews

Ask raters to evaluate an applicant’s qualifications prior to knowing their gender and utilize standard questions in the same order, and rate applicants based on their responses.

BUSINESS ACTION – Standardize salaries

Companies should seek to standardize the salaries they offer, particularly for starting salaries.


GOVERNMENT ACTION – Introduce wage transparency reporting

The government should introduce wage transparency rules after consulting on what reporting requirements would be appropriate for businesses in Ontario.


BUSINESS ACTION – Establish clear evaluation criteria

Businesses should require all performance evaluations to be based upon standard, clear criteria that is developed in advance of evaluations.

BUSINESS ACTION – Evaluate in groups when possible

Businesses should implement group assessments where possible. This helps raters focus on performance and reduces the likelihood of stereotypes.


GOVERNMENT ACTION – Continue to invest in policies supporting those with caregiving responsibilities

Recognizing the financial constraints of the province, the government should make it a priority to continue implementing policies aimed at making child care and elder care more affordable.

GOVERNMENT ACTION – Allow flexible work hours

The government should update the Employment Standards Act to allow workers to work more flexible hours.

BUSINESS ACTION – Pay part-time and full-time workers similarly

Businesses should ensure they pay their part-time workers at proportionally the same rate as full-time workers in equivalent positions.


GOVERNMENT ACTION – Develop online training

Develop online manager training that focuses on the issues of cultural sensitivity, the gender wage gap, and pay equity.

BUSINESS ACTION – HR Professionals should educate managers HR Professionals should educate managers on gender wage gap issues and techniques to avoid it.

BUSINESS ACTION – HR Professionals should review language

HR Professionals should review language used in job postings and evaluations to ensure gender neutrality.

BUSINESS ACTION – HR Professionals should help institute a culture of gender equality

HR Professionals should increase efforts to help management ensure a culture of gender equality in the workplace.

(Source:  CLOSING THE GENDER WAGE GAP: A Review and Recommendations by the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA))


科學 技術 工程 數學 四大高薪行業 女性僱員比率低

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