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安省政府授予三位反种族歧视青年领袖Lincoln M. Alexander奖

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-01-21 11:59:12   作者:贴心姐妹网

Ontario's 2015 Lincoln M. Alexander Award Recipients

The Lincoln M. Alexander Award recognizes young people who have demonstrated exemplary leadership in ending racial discrimination and promoting positive social change.

Community Award Recipient

Darian Baskatawang of Whitesand First Nation, age 19

Darian is a member of the Premier's Council on Youth Opportunities, where he helps develop provincial strategies, initiatives and policies to help at-risk youth. Darian uses this and other platforms to raise awareness by sharing the experiences of youth who face racial discrimination. He also volunteers with Queen's University's Aboriginal Youth Leadership Program, which he co-founded, and is a key figure with the Four Directions Aboriginal Student Centre on campus.

Student Award Recipients

Najma Malaq of Mississauga, age 18

Najma served as a key student advisor on her school's Climate for Learning and Working Committee, where she advocated on behalf of her peers for a more inclusive school community. She organized school assemblies and Black History Month events, including an educational presentation about Nelson Mandela. Najma also prepared and delivered educational presentations to elementary school students about famous African Canadians and members of the African diaspora.

Shailene Panylo of Oshawa, age 18

Shailene created an awareness project promoting the beauty of textured hair during Black History Month. Shailene also participated in the Durham Black Educators' Network's "And Still We Rise" student ambassador program, where she helped organize a full-day conference. She also organized a conference session for elementary school students, providing them a chance to discuss the issues they face. 


The Lincoln M. Alexander Award was created in 1993 to commemorate the legacy of the Honourable Lincoln Alexander, Ontario’s 24th Lieutenant Governor who served from 1985-1991.

The Lincoln M. Alexander Award recognizes youth who work to promote social change through their commitment to eliminating racial discrimination.

Lincoln Alexander was the first black Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, the first black Member of Parliament and the first black federal Cabinet Minister. He passed away on Oct.19, 2012.

Lincoln Alexander Day is celebrated each year on January 21 in Ontario and across Canada on the anniversary of Lincoln Alexander’s birthday.

(Source: The Government of Ontario)



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