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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2015-11-18 14:38:28   作者:贴心姐妹网

图/总理办公室    总理杜鲁多

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, issued the following statement today advocating against acts of hatred and racism directed at specific Canadians in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Paris:

“Following the terrorist attacks in Paris, I have noted with deep regret a number of highly disturbing acts aimed at certain Canadians, including the fire at the mosque in Peterborough, the smashing of windows at a Hindu temple in Kitchener, and the attack on a Muslim woman in Toronto.

多元文化是加拿大的优势。这些恶意和不理性的不包容行为,不为我们国家所容,绝对和加拿大多元和包容的价值观相左。(Diversity is Canada’s strength. These vicious and senseless acts of intolerance have no place in our country and run absolutely contrary to Canadian values of pluralism and acceptance.)

The Government of Canada strongly condemns such actions and, along with law enforcement agencies, will protect the rights of innocent Canadians being subjected to such abuse.“

加拿大人懂得全世界的宗教团体都遭受少数暴力极端分子的迫害。我们的重点应该是终止制造恐怖的人,同时秉持加拿大价值观,继续反对仇恨。”(Canadians understand that religious groups around the world suffer persecution regularly at the hands of violent extremists. Our focus must be on stopping the people responsible for the terror, and continuing to fight hate by embracing Canadian values.”)

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