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感恩节烤火鸡 约克区政府提供避免食物中毒贴士

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2015-10-07 01:56:30   作者:约克区政府

It’s turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy season! The Regional Municipality of York reminds residents to avoid food-borne illnesses by using safe food-handling practices.

Fresh or frozen; preparation is key 

When you purchase your turkey is just as important as how you prepare it. Fresh turkey should be purchased no more than two days before cooking and frozen turkey at least four to six days before cooking. Always check the best before date to determine freshness before purchasing.

Thaw frozen turkey the safe way

Frozen turkey should always be placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator in a large container or platter to prevent juices from contaminating other food. Generally, 24 hours of defrosting time is needed for every two and a half kilograms (five pounds) of turkey. Never thaw frozen turkey on the countertop or at room temperature, and if you use a microwave for thawing, cook the turkey immediately after.

Don’t undercook your turkey

Cook whole turkey to a minimum internal temperature of 85°C (185°F). Check the temperature with a food thermometer by inserting it into the thickest part of the breast or thigh without touching any bones. Cook stuffing in a separate dish to a minimum internal temperature of 74°C (165°F). Your oven’s cooking temperature should be no lower than 165°C (325°F) to prevent harmful bacteria from multiplying. Before serving, keep your turkey hot in the oven at an internal temperature of at least 60°C (140°F). 

Keep leftovers safe for the next day

Refrigerate or freeze turkey and stuffing within two hours of cooking. For a large cooked turkey, remove meat from the bone and refrigerate or freeze in smaller containers. Leftover food should be eaten within two days. To reheat, cook turkey and stuffing to an internal temperature of 74°C (165°F) or higher. For gravies, bring to a full rolling boil and stir during reheating.

Dispose of grease safely 

Cooking turkey can produce grease. Do not pour grease, fats or oils down your drain as it may cause blockages. Instead, ensure grease, fats and oils are properly disposed of to prevent harmful impacts to human health and the environment. Before washing pots, pans and dirty dishes, wait for grease to harden or pour it into a container such as a tin can or bowl. You can empty hardened grease into the green bin, or take it to one of York Region’s waste depots for recycling.

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