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来源:CBC   更新:2015-09-25 07:58:41   作者:CBC




Harper: "Health care is delivered by the provinces and we respect their jurisdiction. As for the decision by the Supreme Court, we will continue to look at this decision. We've established a consultative committee to develop to response that respects the decision and protects the interest of doctors, patients, handicapped people, the elderly. Certainly, we must modify the Criminal Code in accordance with the Supreme Court decision and we will do so."

Trudeau: "The Liberal party supports this because we understand to what it's important to protect the most vulnerable, but also respect the rights and liberties of all. We asked the Harper government to launch the consultations right away and Mr. Harper dragged his feet and didn't want to look at the extraordinary example of Quebec that showed it could be done with respect."

Mulcair: "It's true it's a delicate case, but nothing stops the federal government from taking action, they are the ones responsible for the Criminal Code. I can guarantee you one thing, the NDP will have a free vote, never would I muzzle anyone on it. That's why it must be a consultation that is real, large and sincere."


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