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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2015-03-01 14:17:08   作者:贴心姐妹网





• Better communication and respect lead to better relationships with friends, peers, family and romantic partners.
• Consent is about knowing and respecting your own boundaries and those of others. In any kind of relationship, recognizing what you and others are comfortable with can help keep relationships healthy and safe.
• Consent is about having the skills to avoid or leave a situation that feels uncomfortable and respecting when others want to do the same.
• Understanding and communicating about sexual consent is integral to healthy romantic relationships and sexual health. 
• Sexual consent is about a person’s right to be able to choose “yes” or to choose “no.”
• Sexual consent involves clear and intentional agreement to participate in sexual activity, communicated either verbally or non-verbally between individuals. A person who has
been coerced or forced, is under the influence of alcohol or drugs or is unconscious cannot give consent.
• Each person has the responsibility to freely give and get consent before participating in sexual activities.
• Asking for and giving consent is an ongoing process. Each person has the right to change their mind (e.g., say “no”) at any time.
• Sexual consent is recognizing that we each control our own body, sexuality and experiences.
• Sexual consent is something that people need to discuss, no matter how long they have been in a relationship or how much sexual experience they have had. 
Students learn basic skills about respecting their own and others’ boundaries as they collaborate with peers, problem solve and reflect on their experiences – things they do
in all subjects throughout their studies – for example in the arts, mathematics, language/English, social studies, and social sciences and humanities. They can apply these skills as they learn about consent and learn to make healthy decisions about their relationships. 
Younger students in grades 1, 2 and 3 learn about consent by:
• Listening and stopping if someone asks them to stop saying or doing something
• Sharing space in the classroom
• Showing respect for others through their words and actions
• Taking turns with equipment in physical education and in the classroom
• Asking someone to stop if the other person is talking or acting in a way that is bothering them.
Younger students learn about:
• Standing up for themselves
• Listening actively – paying attention not only to words but also to facial expressions, tone of voice and body language
• Behaving in ways that do not cause harm to others or themselves
• Showing respect for others.
• Continue to develop skills to:
– Show respect, listen, respond to other people’s needs
– Communicate, be assertive, say “no”
• Learn specifically about what respect, healthy relationships and sexual consent “look like”
• Learn about the legal, social and emotional consequences of not paying attention to consent
• Learn how to report issues and how to get help from a caring adult or through community resources (e.g., police, doctors, public health units, friendship centres).
Using case studies, scenarios and discussions, teachers help students learn that:
• Both people in a relationship need to be actively involved in giving consent in an ongoing way
• Consent to one sexual activity does not mean consent to all activities
• Only “yes” means “yes”
• Consent cannot be assumed.
安省强奸危机处理中心联盟(Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres): 
阿尔伯达省宣导同意终止性暴力小组(Alberta-based Research Group on encouraging education about consent and ending sexual violence): 
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