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EQAO Assessment Results: Math Achievement Drops again in Grade 3 and Grade 6

来源:Loving Sister   更新:2014-09-17 18:17:39   作者:Loving Sister
Results of the 2013–2014 EQAO Assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, Primary Division(Grades 1–3) and Junior Division (Grades 4–6)

Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, Primary Division(Grade 1-3)

• Over the past five years, the percentage of students performing at or above the provincial standard in reading has been steadily increasing (from 62% to 70%, an eight-percentage-point increase). 
• Over the past five years, the percentage of students performing at or above the provincial standard in writing has been steadily increasing (from 70% to 78%, an eight-percentage-point increase).
• Over the past five years, the percentage of students performing at or above the provincial standard in mathematics has decreased by four percentage points, from 71% to 67%.
• Over the past five years, the gender gap in reading and writing has been in favour of female students. The gap in reading has varied between nine and 10 percentage points; and in writing, between 11 and 14 percentage points. In mathematics, the percentage of female students performing at or above the standard has been the same as or slightly larger than that of males. 
• Over the past five years, the percentage of Grade 3 English language learners performing at or above the provincial standard has increased by 19 percentage points in reading, by 11 percentage points in writing and by two percentage points in mathematics. 
• Over the past five years, the percentage of Grade 3 students with special education needs performing at or above the provincial standard has increased by 13 percentage points in reading and by 12 percentage points in writing; in mathematics, it has decreased by four percentage points, from 37% to 33%.
• Over the past five years, the improvements in the reading and writing performance of Grade 3 English language learners and of Grade 3 students with special education needs have exceeded that of the Grade 3 population as a whole.
• Over the past five years, a larger percentage of male than female students have responded “most of the time” to each of “I like mathematics” and “I am good at mathematics,” while larger percentages of female than male students have responded “most of the time” to the equivalent statements in reading and in writing.

Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, Junior Division(Grade 4-6)
• Over the past five years, the percentage of students performing at or above the provincial standard in reading has been steadily increasing (from 72% to 79%, a seven-percentage-point increase). 
• Over the past five years, the percentage of students performing at or above the provincial standard in writing has been steadily increasing (from 70% to 78%, an eight-percentage-point increase). 
• Over the past five years, the percentage of students performing at or above the provincial standard in mathematics has decreased by seven percentage points, from 61% to 54%.
• In 2013–2014, a larger percentage of female than male Grade 6 students performed at or above the provincial standard in each of reading (84% versus 74%), writing (87% versus 70%) and 
mathematics (56% versus 52%).
• Over the past five years, the gender gap in favour of female students has remained relatively consistent and continues to be particularly pronounced in reading and writing. In writing, 
the gap has been consistently larger in Grade 6 (16 to 18 percentage points) than in Grade 3 (11 to 14 percentage points).
• Over the past five years, the percentages of Grade 6 English language learners performing at or above the provincial standard have been increasing in reading and in writing (from 50% to 70%, a 20-percentage-point increase, and from 58% to 75%, a 17-percentage-point increase, respectively). In mathematics, it has varied (between 48% and 53%). In 2013–2014, it decreased by two percentage points (to 51%) from the previous year’s.
• Over the past five years, the percentage of Grade 6 students with special education needs performing at or above the provincial standard has been increasing in reading and in writing (from 34% to 47%, a 13-percentage-point increase in reading, and from 31% to 46%, a 15-percentage-point increase in writing). In mathematics, it has decreased by five percentage points, from 24% to 19%. 
• Over the past five years, the improvements in the reading and writing performance of Grade 6 English language learners and of Grade 6 students with special education needs have exceeded that of the Grade 6 population as a whole. 
• Over the past five years, a larger percentage of male than female students have responded “most of the time” to each of “I like mathematics” and “I am good at mathematics,” while larger percentages of female than male students have responded “most of the time” to the equivalent statements in reading and in writing.
Toronto District School Board (TDSB) 
Over the past five years (2009-10 to 2013-14), the percentage of Grade 3 students who performed at or above the provincial standard (Levels 3 and 4), increased by 11% in Reading (60% to 71%), 10% in Writing (70% to 80%), and remained the same in Mathematics (71%).
Over the same five-year period, the percentage of Grade 6 students who performed at or above the provincial standard (Levels 3 and 4), increased by 8% in Reading (69% to 77%), 9% in Writing (71% to 80%), and decreased by 4% in Mathematics (63% to 59%).

Toronto Catholic District School Board 
For grade 3: 
  • 70% of students achieved expectations in reading in 2013-2014, compared to 60% five years ago 
  •  81% of students achieved expectations in writing last year, compared to 72% in 2013-
For grade 6: 
  • 74% of students achieved expectations in reading in the latest assessment, compared to 67% five years ago 
  • 81% of students achieved expectations in writing in 2013-2014, compared to 71% five years ago
York Region District School Board 

Among Grade 3 students in the York Region District School Board, 77% achieved the provincial standards in reading, 85% in writing and 79% in mathematics. This compares with provincial averages of 70%, 78% and 67% respectively.
Among York Region’s Grade 6 public school students, 86% achieved the provincial standard in reading, 86% in writing and 68% in mathematics. This compares with provincial averages of 79%, 78% and 54% respectively.

York Catholic District School Board
Writing continues to be York Catholic’s strongest area of achievement where Grade 3 students tested ten percentage points above the provincial average, and where Grade 6 students tested eight percentage points above the provincial average.
(Source: EQAO, Toronto District School Board, York Region District School Board, York Catholic District School Board)
标签:EQAO Accessment Math
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