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EQAO: 53% of the Grade 9 Students in the Applied Math Course did not Meet the Provincial Standard

来源:Loving Sister   更新:2014-08-28 08:28:40   作者:Loving Sister
Literacy success rates continue to improve in Ontario elementary schools with each passing year. Grade 3 math achievement rates have remained the same though they have dropped again for students in Grade 6.
A review of Grade 6 student math responses shows students consistently do best demonstrating their math knowledge and least well applying that knowledge, particularly in problem solving.
In secondary schools, math success rates have been improving steadily for the past five years for students in both the academic and applied courses. However, more than half the students in the applied course are still not meeting the provincial standard.
Of the Grade 10 students who were eligible to write the Ontario Secondary Literacy Test (OSSLT) for the first time in 2014, 83% were successful, maintaining a high level of literacy achievement. Results show the success rate on the OSSLT for students in applied English courses has, however, been decreasing each year for the past five years.
Persistently low success rates for students in both the applied English and applied math courses suggest a review of those courses is warranted.
Results of Students in Elementary Schools
Reading and Writing:
  • 70% of Grade 3 students and 79% of Grade 6 students are now meeting the provincial reading standard, an increase of eight percentage points and seven percentage points, respectively, over the past five years.
  • 78% of students in both Grade 3 and Grade 6 have met the expected level in writing. This represents an eight-percentage-point increase over the past five years for students in both grades.
  • 67% of Grade 3 students met the standard in 2014 compared to 71% in 2010, indicating a four-percentage-point decrease.
  • 54% of Grade 6 students met the standard in 2014 compared to 61% in 2010. This is a seven-percentage-point decrease from 2010.
Results of Students in Secondary Schools
Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics
  • The math success rate has steadily been improving in both academic and applied courses.
  • 85% of students enrolled in the academic math course met the provincial standard this year, a three-percentage-point increase over the past five years.
  • 47% of students enrolled in the applied math course met the provincial standard this year, a seven-percentage-point increase over the past five years.
  • The success rate of students in the applied math course has remained persistently low, with more than half (53%) of the enrolled students in this course not meeting the provincial standard.
  • A significant number of students who did not meet the standard in the Grade 9 applied math course (90%) also had not met the provincial math standards when they were in Grade 6.
Grade 10—Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)
  • 83% of participating students were successful on the OSSLT on their first try.
  • In the applied English course, the OSSLT success rate of students has decreased by ten percentage points in the past five years, from 60% in 2010 to 50% in 2014.
  • 75% of students in the applied English course who were unsuccessful on the OSSLT had also not met the Grade 6 provincial reading standard.

(Source: EQAO)

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