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—— 两位移民女性的艺术展
来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2014-06-28 06:30:24   作者:Julie Lin
图/二月兰    艺术家Bianca(左)和Nivetha

图/二月兰    两位艺术家

两位第一代移民,两位年轻女性,不约而同拿起相机、画笔、彩纸。她们的双眼所见,化成心灵的感受,又变做绘画、摄影、贺卡。本周,这两位年轻艺术家,在万锦市老镇Unionville的艺术馆展出她们的作品,在加拿大“画坛七君子”(或“七人画派”)之一的Frederick Varley曾经居住过的房子里,献出她们的首秀。



Bianca DeSouza 的自述

Art has always been an important part of my life. As a child, my parents sent me to painting classes and encouraged my venture into the world of sketching. As I grew older, my family championed my poetry and creative fiction. As I continue to discover myself and the world around me, I believe art is my best vehicle forward. Photography and card-making in the last couple of years, have permeated my life and serve as a productive creative outlet. I am grateful for family and people I call family who support and encourage me every step of the way, because without them, I wouldn't be where I am today.

My greeting cards were a product of necessity initially. I was living in Finland at the time and there was no place to buy greeting cards in English to send to family and friends back home, so I decided to make my own. I have continued this venture because I am addicted to the therapeutic process. Each card is an expression of the moment I was in. I like to try out new designs and the product is a unique card each time. Cards are meant to convey important feelings, like a warm hug or an encouraging pat on the shoulder.

Nivetha Yogarajeev 的自述:

I have been dreaming of displaying my artwork since I started University.  The exhibit came to life when my friend, Bianca agreed to collaborate with me and share her work too. Life and art are just better with a friend by your side. We share the passion for the arts and majored in Psychology and English at The University of Toronto. We do come from different backgrounds though. I was born in SriLanka and moved to Canada at the age of 2 fleeing from war.  I try to speak Tamil at home in order to preserve the language in my own little way. I will be going back to teachers collage this fall as I absolutely love working with children. I am especially interested in giving children with special needs and their families tools and resources for living life to their fullest. All the issues I'm passionate about, beliefs I  have and even emotions surface through my paintings.

My paintings are literally how I see the world. Sometimes there is an issue that I am passionate about or something that bothers me. I use my paintings as a way to express myself regarding matters surrounding gender perception, accepted norms and so forth. On days when I am not using my paintbrush to make a statement, I might be inspired by a song I heard, a place I visited, a feeling I have. This transient element of art is what I find particularly enabling.

图/作者提供    “透过她的眼睛”艺术展


地点:McKay Art Centre

197 Main St, Unionville,ON L3R 2G8




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