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平权会抗议City电视台播出含”杀光中国人“言论的Jimmy Kimmel节目

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2013-11-16 07:30:18   作者:贴心姐妹网
ABC电视台10月16日播出的Jimmy Kimmel节目出现”杀光中国人“言论,在美国引起华裔团体的强烈抗议。这个节目在加拿大的播出,也遭到了谴责。
City电视台也于10月16日在全国范围播出了Jimmy Kimmel节目中有”杀光中国人“言论的环节。在谈到美国欠中国债务的问题时,一个儿童建议”杀光中国人“,主持人Jimmy Kimmel说:”杀光中国人?很有意思的一个想法。“后来他还在节目中说:”我们是否应该允许中国人活下去?“
平权会已致信City电视台和其母公司罗渣士传媒公司(Rogers Media),并向加拿大广播电视标准委员会(Canadian Broadcast Standards Council)和加拿大广播电视委员会(Canadian Radio-Television Commission)提出了投诉。
罗渣士传媒公司又在信中说,Jimmy Kimmel节目是从美国ABC传媒购买的节目,罗渣士传媒公司没有参与节目的制作。罗渣士传媒公司今后将加强对内容的评审,从而防止冒犯性的内容播出。
黄煜文说,罗渣士传媒公司给平权会的信是通过电邮的方式,并说节目内容不是由他们决定的,因而这个道歉是一个有限度的道歉(qualified apology)。
罗渣士传媒公司11月14日给黄煜文的回信(Rogers Media's reply to Victor Wong's complain on November 14, 1013)

Dear Mr. Wong,
Thank you for taking the time to write to us about your concerns.
On behalf of Rogers Media, we apologize to all viewers who were offended by the material shown in the “Kids Table” segment broadcast on Jimmy Kimmel Live! on October 16, 2013.  We are committed to a positive reflection of multicultural diversity through our various outlets, and as such, we are particularly embarrassed by the segment and that it offended a community we care deeply about.  As Jimmy Kimmel Live! is an acquired program from U.S. broadcaster ABC, Rogers Media has no input on the content of the show; however, we will strengthen our review process to ensure that measures are in place to prevent offensive material like this from going to air in the future
ABC传媒公司刊登于其网站的声明(Statement on behalf of ABC Entertainment and Jimmy Kimmel Live! , November 8, 2013)
On behalf of everyone at Jimmy Kimmel Live and ABC, please accept our heartfelt, sincere apology for the airing of the “Kids Table” segment of Jimmy Kimmel Live! on October 16, 2013.
The simple fact is, the segment should never have been broadcast.  Systems we have in place for these types of things did not function properly, and steps have been made to try and prevent this kind of egregious mistake from occurring in the future.
We have strengthened our review process and several new safeguards have been put in place to both our Broadcast Standards & Practices and Entertainment Programming areas to ensure that segments like this are immediately brought to the attention of appropriate senior executives who can address them appropriately.
We have also done everything in our power to ensure that the segment receives no further exposure.  We issued a written apology, the offending skit has been edited out of any future broadcast of that episode; we have taken down the clip from all of our online platforms; and the show has decided to forego any future segments of “Kids Table.”
In addition, Jimmy Kimmel has apologized on-air, in writing, and has personally met with concerned citizens to hear their viewpoints and to apologize, again, in person.
Please know that we take our responsibility to our viewers extremely seriously, and are confident that the steps we’ve taken will prevent this type of issue from happening again.
刊登于ABC传媒公司网站的Jimmy Kimmel的道歉信(JIMMY KIMMEL APOLOGY LETTER,November 1, 2013)
I am very sorry, and sincerely apologize to the Chinese and Chinese-American communities for any upset the “Kids’ Table” skit that aired on Jimmy Kimmel Live on October 16, 2013 has caused.
It was never my intention to upset anyone.  The offensive comment, which was made by a six year old child during the non-scripted segment, never should have aired.  No one on the team at Jimmy Kimmel Live or at ABC would ever purposely broadcast anything to upset the Chinese community, the Asian community, anyone of Chinese descent or any community at large.  Please know that we have edited out that segment from our online and broadcast platforms moving forward.
Yesterday, I met in-person with and apologized directly to many distressed individuals from the Chinese-American community.  Those conversations were very productive and, as a result, we have also canceled any further "Kids Table" segments from our show. 
I hope the Chinese and Chinese American communities will accept my deepest, most sincere apology. 
Asian Pacific American Advocates要求ABC传媒公司对相关报道负责并要求联邦通信委员会进行调查(Asian Pacific American Community Demands Accountability From ABC and an Investigation by the FCC, 30 October 2013)
OCA – Asian Pacific American Advocates, a national membership driven organization dedicated to advancing the political, social, and economic well-being of Asian Pacific Americans (APA), continues to pursue a facilitated coalition dialogue with representatives from the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) Television Network and Jimmy Kimmel Show, along with an investigation by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
On October 16, 2013, the Jimmy Kimmel Show aired a skit titled "Kids Table” where a child proposed "kill all the Chinese” as a political solution to the United States’ debt. In response to the skit, OCA and other Asian Pacific American organizations, community groups, and individuals galvanized to decry the language used, statement made in the show, and the use of children used to express the statement.
"We are requesting accountability on the part of the Jimmy Kimmel Show as well as the ABC Network,” says Sharon M. Wong, OCA President, "Actions and solutions are necessary to address the offensive statements made on that show. Of particular concern to us is the usage of children in this skit, one of whom was an Asian Pacific American girl. The Jimmy Kimmel Show compromised their wellbeing and they have done nothing yet to address the highly offensive rhetoric. These words have real consequences to the children and to our community. ABC and the Kimmel Show must right this wrong.”
ABC has issued a formal apology to Chinese and other Asian Pacific Americans for the statement on the show. Jimmy Kimmel also apologized for any unintended offense that may have occurred. However, the apologies do not sufficiently address the outrage felt from the APA community.
"The Asian Pacific American community is insulted by the offer of an insincere apology. An appropriate apology would acknowledge the reasons why the incident was offensive and should not be framed around a joke,” says Tom Hayashi, OCA Executive Director, "More importantly, ABC must address the structural issues that make incidents, such as this one, acceptable to producers. There needs to be policies and trainings in place that prevent hate speech, especially those delivered by children, from airing. And when such an incident occurs, there should be a proper debrief with the children and their families. A facilitated dialogue between Jimmy Kimmel representatives and community stakeholders is a necessary first step to ensure lasting, impactful change. The Asian Pacific American community must be proactive in preempting hateful speech and disparaging and racist portrayals of APAs in the media. We have filed a complaint with the FCC, and we have received confirmation that an official investigation being initiated. It is important that we maintain pressure on this regulatory agency to ensure that they thoroughly review all the activities that preceded the broadcast of this segment. I encourage all chapters, members, and advocates to file a form 2000E complaint with the FCC.”
With the assistance of internal and external champions, OCA submitted a letter to the to ABC Executives, which have opened a line of communication between the network, OCA, Media Coalition partners, community members, and representatives from the Jimmy Kimmel show.
加拿大广播电视协会《暴力准则》第八条中关于针对某些团体的暴力的规定(The Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB) : Section 8.0 Violence Against Specific Groups)
8.1 Broadcasters shall not telecast programming which sanctions, promotes or glamorizes violence based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or mental or physical disability.
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Helen 于 2013-11-17 15:53:24 评论道: 坚决支持平权会的立场!这只是隐藏在某些人骨子里的,对中国人的深刻的歧视甚至于仇视的一次大暴露,并不偶然。感谢平权会多次据理抗争,只有这样社会才能进步。
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