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“南京大屠杀75周年”系列报道之六:Dearest Mr.Chu-Yeh Chang

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2012-12-14 14:17:18   作者:宝睿娜 Bao Ruina
“南京大屠杀75周年”系列报道之六:Dearest Mr.Chu-Yeh Chang
图/ 施雅芳     宝睿纳在多伦多史维会组织的烛光集会上朗诵她献给南京大屠杀幸存者章楚页和所有南京大屠杀死难者的诗
编者按:宝睿纳是Pierre Elliot Trudeau中学12年级学生。她曾听父母提及南京大屠杀,但并不了解事情件详情和历史背景。10年级做独立研读时,宝睿纳阅读了张纯如的《南京大屠杀》。在寻找资料的过程中,她发现了多伦多史维会为青年举办的工作坊。她参与了这些工作坊,并开始在那里做义工。今年5月,多伦多史维会成立青年大使董事会,她成为其中的一名青年大使。
Dearest Mr.Chu-Yeh Chang
Ruina Bao(宝睿纳)
Dearest Mr.Chu-Yeh Chang
On the New Year’s Eve of 1937,
at a riverside town in the biting frost of winter , 
soldiers brought suffering in your home, 
you wept for your sister, mother and grandmother. 
For safety, you crossed the Yangtze River by boat,
as parting waves lapped beside you, 
horrifyingly you discovered in the water
human cadavers bloated like balloons.
Several weeks passed when you returned home, to nothingness, to a city of ashes, to bullet holes, to blood drops and ransacked shops
you wept for Nanking.
Because history claims you were victimized- you steadfastly insist to be a survivor. 
In midst of the brutality inflicted upon your life; an intrepid hope for goodness in the future was born in you. 
Dearest unaddressed, a piece of mail to 300 000 recipients
a lifetime passed in this fog of war.
Because history claims you were victimized- you steadfastly insist to be a survivor. 
In midst of the brutality inflicted upon your life; an intrepid fighting spirit was born in you. 
Dearest textbook readers, corporate lawyers, teachers, truck drivers, prime ministers, grocery store cashiers and sons and daughters
you cannot say to the sky, more rain
you cannot say to the truth, more honesty
you cannot say to the past, less pain
you cannot say to the survivors, less apology
Because history claimed they were victimized, they steadfastly insisted to be survivors.
In midst of the brutality we have heard or read; an intrepid compassion for humanity was born in us. 
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