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[社会政治] The U.S. Capitol violence could happen in Canada — here are 2021-01-12
[社会政治] Why are the Capitol rioters so angry? Because they're scared 2021-01-07
[社会政治] The world needs more women leaders — during COVID-19 and bey 2020-12-02
[社会政治] Janet Yellen and Kamala Harris keep shattering glass ceiling 2020-11-28
[社会政治] 'My vote will be Black' – A wave of Afro-Brazilian women ran 2020-11-24
[社会政治] A record number of women will serve in the 117th Congress, i 2020-11-17
[社会政治] Chile abolishes its dictatorship-era constitution in groundb 2020-10-27
[社会政治] Racism has long shaped US presidential elections. Here's how 2020-10-11
[社会政治] Unlike US, Europe picks top judges with bipartisan approval 2020-09-23
[社会政治] Silicon Valley wants to read your mind – here's why you shou 2020-08-29
[社会政治] Call in the women! Chrystia Freeland and Kamala Harris's new 2020-08-26
[社会政治] So you want to be an autocrat? Here's the 10-point checklist 2020-08-21
[社会政治] This Canada Day, we need a new citizenship oath 2020-07-02
[社会政治] Healthcare workers and coronavirus: behind the stiff upper l 2020-04-13
[社会政治] Three reasons why Jacinda Ardern's coronavirus response has 2020-04-09
[社会政治] Indigenous civil rights blockades should be met with a new d 2020-02-29
[社会政治] Why the coronavirus has become a major test for the leadersh 2020-02-07
[社会政治] Coronavirus: Fear of a pandemic, or a pandemic of fear? 2020-02-01
[社会政治] Comma again? Philip Pullman’s Oxford comma rage doesn’t go f 2020-01-30
[社会政治] Canada's non-diplomacy puts Canadians at risk in an unstable 2020-01-13
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