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平權會聲明:“我們的到來一方面助長了加拿大殖民化過程, 使原住民流離失所。另一方面原住民與華裔在歷史上也有互相團結”

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2021-06-26 13:54:07   作者:全加華人協進會(平權會)多倫多分會

Community Statement on Kamloops Residential School and in Solidarity with Indigenous Community

June 2, 2021


"The Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter (CCNCTO) deeply mourns the discovered remains of 215 children from the Kamloops residential school in British Columbia. We recognize the inhumanity of state sanctioned and directed removal of Indigenous children from their families, their communities, their culture, their language and their roots through the child welfare system, violence towards the land, and on-going court actions against survivors of the residential school system. These practices demonstrate that genocide is active and ongoing in Canada.


"As Chinese settlers of this land, we directly benefit from settler colonialism in many ways. The long and complex history of Indigenous-Chinese relations is one of complicity in displacement and colonization, but also one of solidarity. Chinese railway workers, who were themselves exploited, helped construct the Canadian Pacific Railway, which played a crucial role in the displacement and colonization of Indigenous peoples. Injured Chinese workers who were left to die by their employers were often taken in, cared for, and sheltered by Indigenous nations.


"Chinese communities in Canada must unpack, unlearn, educate, and transform our attitudes and thought processes. And this must underlie a commitment to action towards decolonization. We urge community members to take responsibility in three ways: (1) use the translated Chinese language tools provided on CCNCTO’s website in the next few weeks to have conversations with your family, friends, and community; (2) popularize decolonial perspectives in the Chinese Canadian community by circulating Chinese language posts within our community’s most frequented social media platforms including WeChat, Whatsapp, and Line, etc; (3) donate to the Indian Residential School Survivors Society (IRSSS)."



作為加拿大的華裔居民,我們在很多方面直接受益於殖民主義。華裔與原住民歷史上的的關係甚為複雜。我們的到來一方面助長了加拿大殖民化過程使原住民流離失所。另一方面原住民與華裔在歷史上也有互相團結。當年自身被剝削的華裔鐵路工人,參與建設了加拿大太平洋鐵路。這條鐵路是殖民化過程中的關鍵工程, 使原住民流離失所,被殖民。但當受傷的華裔鐵路工人被雇主遺棄路旁,任其自生自滅時,卻經常有幸被原住民族收留,照料和庇護。

加拿大的華裔社群必須分析、忘卻、教育及轉化我們的態度及思想。這必須是致力於去殖民化的行動的基礎。我們強烈要求社區成員用這三種方式履行責任:1. 用接下來幾個星期裡在我們網站上所提供翻譯好的中文材料,與家人、朋友和社區進行交談;2.通過在華裔社區常用社交平台上,包括微信、WhatsAppLine等,轉發我們製作的中文貼文,在社區內普及去殖民化思想。3.Indian Residential School Survivors Society (IRSSS)捐款。”

Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter (Toronto)

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Qingmu 于 2021-06-26 14:18:34 评论道: “但當受傷的華裔鐵路工人被雇主遺棄路旁,任其自生自滅時,卻經常有幸被原住民族收留,照料和庇護。”的確是這樣.....
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