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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2020-12-24 11:41:49   作者:Bill Blair

The Honourable Bill Blair, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, today issued the following statement:

"With Christmas only hours away, I’m happy to confirm that Santa Claus is coming to town!

In any other year, no one would ever need to worry about Santa’s arrival at the Canadian border.

But this year is different. The spread of COVID-19 has changed everything, even for Santa.

And even though Santa spreads only joy and cheer, and lives far away in the North Pole, the pandemic has made his worldwide travel plans a little more complicated than usual.

Santa also knows the importance of staying safe and being prepared.

While he and his elves have been hard at work in his workshop, he has also taken the time to submit his travel information before his big trip.  

Canadian officials have carefully reviewed Santa’s documents and assured me that everything’s in order, clearing the way for him to re-enter Canada aboard his sleigh to do his essential work.

Santa will be accompanied, as always, by Rudolph and his reindeer friends. Santa will be wearing a mask and will have his documents ready upon arrival at the border. He’ll be wearing his mask at all times – except, of course, when he stops for a short break to enjoy the milk and cookies that have been left for him! Santa will also remember to wash or sanitize his hands afterwards, and to be extra careful not to wake anyone.

After celebrating at home on Christmas Eve, you can sleep soundly with your mind at ease. Santa will be making his annual journey to thousands of homes across Canada.

Have a safe and happy holiday, and Merry Christmas!"

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