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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2018-12-22 04:59:06   作者:外交部长方慧兰


加拿大外交部长方慧兰 Chrystia Freeland

“Canada is a country governed by the rule of law. Canada is conducting a fair, unbiased and transparent legal proceeding with respect to Meng Wanzhou, Huawei’s Chief Financial Officer.


“Canada respects its international legal commitments, including by honouring its extradition treaty with the United States. The rule of law is fundamental to all free societies; we will defend and uphold this principle.


“We are deeply concerned by the arbitrary detention by Chinese authorities of two Canadians earlier this month and call for their immediate release.


“I wish to express Canada’s appreciation to those who have spoken recently in support of the rule of law as fundamental to free societies. We share with our partners the conviction that the rule of law is not a choice: it is the bedrock of democracy. Canada will not compromise nor politicize the rule of law and due process.”



Freeland demands 'immediate release' of detained Canadians in China



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