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来源:多伦多市政府   更新:2018-12-17 12:22:46   作者:多伦多市政府

Mayor Tory encourages young people across city to apply now for City of Toronto summer recreation jobs

Today, Mayor John Tory launched the City of Toronto's summer recreation job recruitment drive. The City is now accepting job applications until early February for summer camps, aquatic programs and other recreation positions.

“These are great jobs for young people to gain employment experience while helping the City continue to offer its excellent recreation programs,” said Mayor Tory. “As Mayor, I am proud that we can offer these important employment opportunities in neighbourhoods across Toronto and that we have been able to increase the number of recreation spaces available for families to access.” 

In addition to accepting applications online, the City will host a recreation recruitment event on Tuesday, December 18 from 5 to 8 p.m. at North Kipling Community Centre. Applicants can receive tips on what to expect during the hiring process, as well as résumé and interview preparation support at the event. 

“We know that there are many people in the city who would be a great fit for these opportunities,” said Councillor Michael Thompson (Ward 21 Scarborough Centre), Chair of the Economic and Community Development Committee. “We need them to step forward and help the City provide high-quality camps, aquatic and recreation programming this summer.” 

Every year, Parks, Forestry and Recreation (PF&R), the City's largest youth employer, employs approximately 9,000 recreation workers, with about 17 per cent of the positions filled by new hires.

"Working in recreation helps to build leadership and problem-solving skills that last a lifetime," said Janie Romoff, General Manager, PF&R. "A job with the City provides an opportunity to contribute to your community, while also building your career." 

PF&R hires consistently throughout the year, with a strong focus on summer hiring from December to February. Demand for additional staff is expected to expand in line with the 2018 council-approved growth plan, which has created 20,000 new spaces in City recreations programs. As well, new and renewed facilities and programs like Swim to Survive provide a combination of opportunities for part-time staff to work additional hours and gain new skills, as well as for new staff to join the team. 

More information about recruitment for City recreation positions is available at http://www.toronto.ca/recjobs.

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