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道格•福特和但书条款:需要知道的 5 件事

来源:加广中文   更新:2018-09-11 04:39:31   作者:赵黎







加拿大安大略省长道格·福特 (Doug Ford)要把多伦多市议会的规模削减接近一半,多伦多市不干,安省的有关法案  Bill 5  这个星期被安大略省高等法院否决。

法院裁决出来几个小时后,道格·福特就表示,计划援引加拿大 “权利和自由宪章”  中的条款 –  The Notwithstanding Clause ,强行实施削减多伦多市议会的 Bill 5 法案。

但书条款(The Notwithstanding Clause),在加拿大并不那么为人所知,加拿大广播公司就此条款作出了一些解释:

1)The Notwithstanding Clause是什么条款?

The Notwithstanding Clause 条款是 ”加拿大权利和自由宪章” (Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms)中的第33条,是加拿大宪法的一部分。

在 20 世纪 80 年代关于新宪法的辩论中,联邦政府和省级政府达成妥协,使这一条款获得通过,被纳入了宪法,当时主要是为了安抚加拿大西部一些省长对法院影响力太大的担心。


这个条款在法语中被称为 “非常规条款”,具有“超越”权力,允许联邦议会或省议会推翻“权利自由宪章”中的某些部分。






阿尔伯塔大学 (University of Alberta)的宪法专家埃里克·亚当斯 (Eric Adam)指出,尽管福特调用这一条款有可能受到法院的挑战,但过去的这些尝试都没有成功。

政治学家伊恩·布罗迪(Ian Brodie)表示,联邦政府也可能会试图提出质疑,但这种可能性不太大。

另外,调用这个条款的效力只能持续 5 年,5 年后,又到了选举的时候。



这个条款问世已经接近 40 年,在加拿大全国范围内,仅被引用过 15 次,用得最多的是魁北克省。

魁北克在 20 世纪 80 年代后期援引这一条款来保护自己的法语语言法。

最近一次是萨斯喀彻温省,2017 年萨省调用这个条款,来资助天主教学校。



Canada's notwithstanding clause — what's that again?

Why Trudeau's willing to let Ford deploy the notwithstanding clause

Doug Ford's use of notwithstanding clause sparks fears it will embolden others to invoke it

(Quote 1:"I think it is a legitimate concern, because of the odd times in which we live in, in terms of people like Trump and others, who are able to appeal to a certain segment of the population that aren't necessarily very rights-focused."

Quote 2:  "The dominant narrative with the notwithstanding clause is that it overrides rights — that's not going to make it popular. So I'd be surprised if we saw the floodgates open outside of Ontario," he said.

Politicians react to Ford's plan to use notwithstanding clause to cut city council


Former Ontario premier Bill Davis: Ford wrong to use notwithstanding clause


(“The sole purpose of the notwithstanding clause was only for those exceptionally rare circumstances when a province wanted to bring in a specific benefit or program provision for a part of their population — people of a certain age, for example — that might have seemed discriminatory under the Charter.


“The notwithstanding provision has, understandably, rarely been used, because of the primacy of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms for all Canadians. That it might now be used regularly to assert the dominance of any government or elected politician over the rule of law or the legitimate jurisdiction of our courts of law was never anticipated or agreed to.”)






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