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事实核查(4): 白人至上主义者Jared Taylor: “不是所有的人都是平等的”

来源:加广中文   更新:2018-08-22 06:39:29   作者:贴心姐妹网编辑


Jared Taylor何许人也? 他并非学者,而是一个白人至上主义者。

《华盛顿邮报》在一篇题为《白人至上主义者如今看起来和听起来的样子》(他们不是你祖父年代的三K党)( “Here’s what white supremacy looks and sounds like now. (It’s not your grandfather’s KKK.)”的文章中将他称为“有影响力的白人至上主义者” (the influential white supremacist)。


"And yet, even as the alt-right seemingly eschews white supremacist language, at least in some public forums to broaden the movement’s appeal, its racially pure vision of a white America is as racist, exclusionary and anti-democratic as that of the segregationist “authoritarian enclaves” of the Jim Crow era."




关于智商和种族的关系,都柏林圣三一学院(Trinity College Dublin)神经生物学和遗传学副教授Kevin Mitchell 在卫报的"Why genetic IQ differences between 'races' are unlikely" 一文中说:

"The bottom line is this. While genetic variation may help to explain why one person is more intelligent than another, there are unlikely to be stable and systematic genetic differences that make one population more intelligent than the next.

So if we are concerned about people’s intelligence, we would do better to focus on the environmental and cultural factors that we know are involved and which can be changed. There is no shortage of them: maternal and infant healthcare, early life nutrition, exposure to neurodevelopmental toxins such as lead, and access to and quality of education all make a real difference. IQ scores are a measure of a person’s intellectual ability, not the limit of their intellectual potential. Focusing on things we can change should ensure that everyone can reach their potential."



Why genetic IQ differences between 'races' are unlikely 

Here’s what white supremacy looks and sounds like now. (It’s not your grandfather’s KKK.)

Canadian Race Relations Foundation

CRRF Glossary of Terms  

Urban Alliance on Race Relations

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