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“万锦市政府下半旗悼念她(10岁女孩Julianna Kozis )”

—— 万锦市市长薛家平关于Julianna Kozis在多伦多希腊城枪击案中遇难的声明
来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2018-07-25 07:00:11   作者:薛家平
“万锦市政府下半旗悼念她(10岁女孩Julianna Kozis )”—— 万锦市市长薛家平关于Julianna Kozis在多伦多希腊城枪击案中遇难的声明

"On behalf of the City of Markham and Members of Council, I would like to offer our deepest and heartfelt condolences to the family, friends and loved ones of the ten year old girl Julianna Kozis of Markham who tragically died on July 22, 2018 in a shooting in Toronto’s vibrant Greek neighbourhood.

This heartbreaking story speaks to the unbreakable bond between a father and his daughter, and I salute the Toronto Paramedics, doctors and nurses who reportedly brought them together, showing incredible compassion and kindness in her final moments.

This senseless act of violence has shaken us and hurt us. We stand with the victims, the brave first responders and all the communities impacted by this tragedy.

Our thoughts and prayers are also with the family of the 18 year old Reese Fallon who tragically lost her life, an accomplished young woman who had plans to study nursing. We continue to pray for the injured and wish them well.

The City of Markham will lower flags in honour of her memory and in remembrance of all who are affected by this unspeakable tragedy. There will also be a book of condolences at the Markham Civic Centre. We hope by coming together, we can offer some solace in a time of great sadness."

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