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来源:多伦多市政府   更新:2018-07-12 13:49:35   作者:多伦多市政府

Exhibit confronts waste generated in Toronto

As a way to generate conversation and awareness about issues facing waste management, the City of Toronto is supporting Our Desires Fail Us, a free public photo exhibit launching July 12 at the Harbourfront Centre.

The exhibit, displayed indoors and outdoors, features artistic photographs shot within the City's waste management facilities, and explores society's disconnected relationship with the vast amount of waste generated by consumer culture. The work offers an inside look at Toronto’s waste streams.

The exhibit is part of a new artist-in-residence pilot program for the Solid Waste Management Services Division. The City is working with artists Sean Martindale and JP King to develop the program.

"The program supports the recommendations in the City's Long-Term Waste Management Strategy to find innovative communication tactics to reach those who may not have been previously engaged," said Councillor Jaye Robinson (Ward 25 Don Valley West), Chair of the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee.

The strategy provides a roadmap for waste management in Toronto over the next 30 to 50 years and sets a goal of diverting 70 per cent of Toronto's waste away from landfill by 2026, prioritizing waste reduction and a move towards a circular economy. 

The public is encouraged to visit Our Desires Fail Us at the Harbourfront Centre from July 12 through September 18. The outdoor portion of the exhibit will be on display until next April.

More information about the artist-in-residence program and the exhibit is available at http://www.toronto.ca/wastestrategy.

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