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来源:多伦多市政府   更新:2018-05-07 08:23:10   作者:多伦多市政府

City of Toronto reminds residents how to prepare for emergencies during Emergency Preparedness Week

Mayor John Tory has declared May 6 to 12 Emergency Preparedness Week in the City of Toronto. Emergency Preparedness Week is designated in communities across the country annually to increase public awareness of how people can increase their personal preparedness to cope with emergencies.

An emergency can happen at any time or any place. Prevention, education and communication are vital to create healthy and safe communities, workplaces, schools and homes. The City of Toronto's Office of Emergency Management (OEM) encourages all residents to learn more about becoming emergency ready.

"Emergency Preparedness Week is a good reminder to refresh our emergency kits or create one for the first time," said Mayor John Tory. "By learning how to better prepare ourselves, our families and our communities, each of us can reduce the risks we face during an emergency to help keep everyone safe."

Residents are reminded that, in addition to television and radio, the emergency alert system, Alert Ready, will now send emergency alerts to cell phones and wireless devices that are compatible with Wireless Public Alerting (WPA). The new system will issue a province-wide test alert today at 1:55 p.m. More information about the new alert system is available at https://www.alertready.ca/wireless/.

The OEM is the City's lead division during an emergency. Together, the City and its partners are prepared to assist residents during all types of emergencies, including extreme weather,
floods, power outages and utility disruptions, fires and health emergencies. 

Residents also have an important role to play in emergency preparedness. The City encourages all residents to make an emergency plan and to have a 72-hour emergency kit on hand that includes the following:
• Enough drinking water for three days (four litres per person per day)
• Battery-powered or crank radio and a flashlight
• Batteries for flashlights and radios
• Three-day supply of non-perishable food that meets dietary needs, including food for infants, children, seniors and pets if required
• Manual can opener
• First aid kit
• Hand sanitizer
• Prescription drugs, medical supplies and any special equipment needed.

More information about emergency preparedness is available at http://www.toronto.ca/oem. This website also includes additional personal preparedness information for all residents, including vulnerable residents, adults who have special needs and seniors. 

Residents are also reminded that it is important to have homeowner or tenant insurance to help protect themselves and their families.

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