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多伦多市政府设立 #TorontoStrong Fund基金帮助央街汽车撞人案受害者和受害人的家人

来源:多伦多市政府   更新:2018-04-24 15:56:02   作者:多伦多市政府

City of Toronto establishes #TorontoStrong Fund to support victims of tragic incident at Yonge and Finch

The City of Toronto, in partnership with Toronto Foundation, has established the #TorontoStrong Fund in response to the tragic incident at Yonge and Finch. All money donated will go to supporting victims and their families, first responders and those affected by the trauma, through organizations including Victim Services Toronto and other supporting partner organizations.

“Toronto is a generous, diverse and proud city that stands strong and supports those in need. We are seeing a tremendous generosity of spirit and an outpouring of public support across Toronto, Canada and from around the world,” said Mayor John Tory. “At this time of great pain and sadness, many are seeking ways to help and support those who need it. To help coordinate and direct this compassionate response, the City of Toronto has partnered with Toronto Foundation today to initiate the #TorontoStrong Fund.”

“In this moment of tragedy, we are witnessing our city’s tremendous capacity for resilience,” said Sharon Avery, President of Toronto Foundation. “Through this fund, people can help out with the confidence of knowing that their funds will impact those whose lives have been touched by the tragedy, and start our city on its path towards healing.”

The #TorontoStrong Fund will be working with supporting organizations, including Victim Services Toronto, to coordinate efforts to make sure that this generosity is captured and coordinated in a responsible, accountable and truly impactful manner, for those who need it most. 

To learn more about the #TorontoStrong fund and to contribute visit http://www.torontofoundation.ca/torontostrong/.

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