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安大略省 GO Transit 和 UP Express 除夕夜免费

来源:安省政府   更新:2017-12-29 10:23:10   作者:安省政府

Ontario is helping people ring in the New Year safely by providing free service on GO Transit and the UP Express.

The province will add extra late-night service on Dec. 31, and free rides across the entire network after 7 p.m. This year, for the first time ever, the free service is expanding to the UP Express.

Many other transit agencies across the region will also be free on New Year's Eve -- check your local transit service for holiday schedules and free rides.

Free public transit will give people more options for a safe ride to their destination and home again. Planning ahead, taking public transit, calling a cab, riding with a designated driver or staying overnight will make sure this year's celebrations are ones to remember. Even small amounts of alcohol or drugs can impair a driver's ability, putting themselves and others at risk.

(Source: Government of Ontario)

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