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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2017-10-06 21:03:59   作者:贴心姐妹网




"After careful consideration and taking the time to listen to the publics opinion we have decided it’s not in anyone’s best interest to release Dirty Chinese Restaurant. We would like to make a sincere and formal apology to the Chinese community and wish to assure them that this game was not created with an intentional interest of inflicting harm or malice against Chinese culture.

Out of respect we will begin removing all marketing media pertaining to DCR off our Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube accounts. These accounts will also be removed. We ask the press to please respect our privacy at this time as we begin the task of removing all our content."



"Racism must be called out, whenever and wherever we see it. I want to thank everyone who joined me and spoke out against the demeaning and negative stereotypes depicted in the video game, Dirty Chinese Restaurant. While I’m pleased that Big-O-Tree Games has decided not to release its racist video game, it is disturbing that something like this would have progressed as far as it did. I would hope that this company will not live up to its name in future endeavors."


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