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社区团体和工会:罗渣士媒体公司将新闻制作外包给竞争对手,违反 CRTC发牌条件

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2017-09-02 11:32:47   作者:贴心姐妹网




罗渣士媒体公司(Rogers Media)今年5月获得加拿大电台电视和电讯委员会(Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission)颁发的提供包括国语和粤语四个语种的全国性新闻播出的三年有效临时牌照。节目于9月1日由OMNI Regional电视台播出,不过罗渣士媒体公司将其国语和粤语的新闻制作外包给了竞争对手新时代电视台。

族裔关系城市联盟(Urban Alliance on Race Relations)和华越柬寮法律援助中心(Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic) 昨天发出联合新闻公告,指罗渣士媒体公司将新闻制作外包给竞争对手的做法,限制了多元声音的反映。



代表OMNI电视台员工的工会UNIFOR媒体总监Howard Law对《多伦多星报》说:“为什么竟然愿意外包给你的主要竞争对手?为了节省成本,一家价值200亿的公司决定将中文每日新闻的报道和制作外包给了员工薪水更低的新时代电视台。”

他说,工会将向加拿大电台电视和电讯委员会提出投诉,并向罗渣士媒体公司提出申诉(grievance )。



OMNI Regional launches Sept. 1 amid controversy over contracting out newscasts






Community groups are calling Rogers’ proposal to outsource its Chinese language news programming a flagrant breach of its commitments under a new CRTC licence for national ethnic broadcasting which came with an extraordinary and lucrative “must-carry” order and intend to file a complaint with the CRTC.


On May 15, 2017 the CRTC granted Rogers Media an interim licence to operate a national, multilingual multi-ethnic discretionary service to be known as OMNI Regional for three years beginning September 1, 2017.



Paragraph 11 of the terms and conditions of the licence reads:


“11. The licensee shall produce and broadcast daily, national, 30-minute newscasts, 7 days per week, in each of the Italian, Mandarin, Cantonese and Punjabi languages.”


It has been reported https://cartt.ca/search?s=omni [August 11, 2017] that Rogers Media will outsource the production of the daily Cantonese and Mandarin language newscasts to Fairchild TV. Community groups call this a direct breach of the licence conditions.



“This is not what was intended by the CRTC in granting this extraordinary license. The commitment to produce and broadcast daily, national, third-language newscasts was key to the CRTC decision to grant an interim licence. Not only should the news be produced in Canada but Rogers Media should actually produce it.”


- Nigel Barriffe, President, Urban Alliance on Race Relations


The CRTC cited the “exceptional need for a national multilingual multi ethnic programming service that can provide Canadians with news and current events programming in multiple languages from a Canadian perspective”, highlighting the commitment to produce and broadcast daily national third language newscasts as key to granting the license to Rogers Media.

The CRTC indicated its dissatisfaction with the Rogers Media proposal by concurrently issuing a competitive call for a new “national, multilingual multi-ethnic television service offering news and information programming as well as other programming”. http://crtc.gc.ca/eng/archive/2017/2017-154.pdf

The CRTC said that the grant of the interim license is intended to serve the needs of Canada’s ethnic and third language communities until the new television service is licenced.

Diversity of coverage is a key issue. The CRTC highlighted the importance of news programming to Canada’s social and democratic life:


“25 …the programming provided by the Canadian broadcasting system should provide a balance of information, enlightenment and entertainment, should be drawn from local, regional, national and international sources, and should provide a reasonable opportunity for the public to be exposed to the expression of differing views on matters of public concern (section 3(1)(i))”



“Given the limited access to Chinese language TV newscasts, it is outrageous that Rogers Media would contract out to the only other major broadcaster of Chinese language newscasts to provide its programming instead of producing it itself with its own news teams which it has done in the past.


OMNI and Fairchild TV have very different editorial stances on important community issues, and have different focus in their news coverage.  Historically, OMNI is more open to covering local issues that are particularly important to many low income clients we serve.  Handing-off production of the OMNI Regional newscasts to Fairchild TV means eliminating the opportunity for differing views and could reduce access to local news by our communities.”


- Avvy Go, Clinic Director, Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic


A number of community groups intervened during the licencing hearing and raised a number of concerns which may now materialize. They will be monitoring the upcoming news casts and intend to file a complaint with the CRTC.




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