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在多伦多市收到停车罚单今后在网上申辩 不再需要去法庭

来源:多伦多市政府   更新:2017-08-21 09:26:40   作者:多伦多市政府

The City of Toronto is introducing a new, easier and more convenient process to dispute parking violations. Disputes for parking violations received on or after August 28 will be handled by the City instead of through the provincial court, improving customer service by providing faster resolutions and a more efficient overall process.

Access to the new dispute process will be available 24/7 through the City's website, toronto.ca/aps. Individuals can request a review or dispute a parking violation online through the City's website. People who prefer to dispute a violation in-person can have their penalty reviewed at one of two City locations: Metro Hall (55 John St.) or North York Civic Centre (5100 Yonge St.). In-person reviews can be booked in advance on the City's website and are also available on a drop-in basis.

The City of Toronto is committed to continuously improving and modernizing customer service. This new dispute process allows the public to request a review of a parking violation through a customer-focused, streamlined service. 

All reviews, online and in-person, will be conducted by a City screening officer who can affirm, vary or cancel penalties, including having the authority to give people additional time to pay the penalty fee. If the individual is not satisfied with the penalty review decision, a second and final review can be requested with an independent, Council-appointed hearing officer. 

Payment methods for parking violations remain the same, with payment either online, by mail or in-person at seven City locations. 

(Source: The City of Toronto)

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