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安省更新核事故紧急应对计划 在下60天内征询省民意见

来源:安省政府   更新:2017-05-15 07:22:06   作者:安省政府






安省政府参与核事故紧急回应计划协调的有五处核装置,四处在安大略省,一处在美国:Pickering nuclear generating stationPickering, ON L1W 3C8)、Darlington nuclear generating station (1 Holt Road South, Bowmanville, ON L1C 3Z8)、Bruce Power (177 Tie Rd, Tiverton, ON N0G 2T0)、Chalk River Laboratories (286 Plant Road. Chalk River, Ontario. Canada K0J 1J0) 和FERMI 2(5998 Enrico Fermi Dr, Newport, MI 48166, USA).


紧急情况发生时周边地区按紧急程度所作的区域划分:Proposed changes to Ontario’s Provincial Nuclear Emergency Response

Ontario is inviting the public to comment on proposed changes to the province's nuclear emergency response plan.

The plan details Ontario's response to nuclear and radiological events, and is regularly reviewed and tested through a strong partnership with federal, provincial and municipal stakeholders. Management and staff from the province's nuclear facilities also play a key role in developing and updating the plan. Beginning today, the plan will be posted on both the Regulatory Registry and Environmental Registry for 60 days to allow all interested parties to review the plan and provide comments.

Proposed changes are based on new international recommended practices, Canadian Standards Association standards, and lessons learned from previous international incidents and provincially-run emergency exercises and modelling. 

In addition, Ontario is establishing a new advisory group, made up of national and international experts in nuclear safety and emergency management, to review and consider all responses to the plan and provide recommendations on how best to reflect feedback in the updated version. 


  • Ontario coordinates nuclear emergency planning for five nuclear installations. Their corresponding designated municipalities are responsible for enhanced planning: Durham Region and Toronto (Pickering nuclear generating station), Durham Region (Darlington nuclear generating station), Kincardine (Bruce Power), Laurentian Hills/Deep River (Chalk River Laboratories), Amherstburg (FERMI 2).
  • Ontario’s CANDU nuclear reactors have an exceptional safety record. The reactors include several safety system checks that would mitigate damage in the event of a natural disaster. All reactors are licensed and regularly inspected by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission.
  • The province is responsible for the off-site (the area outside the boundary of a nuclear facility) response to a nuclear emergency. Onsite security of nuclear facilities is the responsibility of the federal government and facility operators.
  • Ontario’s most recent nuclear emergency response test was Exercise Huron Resolve in October, 2016, when more than 30 emergency response organizations successfully tested their nuclear response plans and procedures related to the Bruce Power site.


(Source: The Government of Onatio)






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