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来源:安省政府   更新:2017-05-11 05:41:21   作者:安省政府

Ontario has announced the next 76 grocery stores across the province that can sell beer and cider, starting June 30. 

The winning grocers were selected via a competitive bidding process held by the LCBO. An additional 11 independent grocery stores and 65 stores owned by large grocers are now authorized to sell beer. This is the second round of Ontario's commitment to make it more convenient for people to buy beer, while opening up additional opportunities for breweries and cideries.

Currently, up to 130 grocery stores across Ontario can sell beer and cider, including up to 70 that can sell wine. The 76 new grocery store authorizations will bring the total to up to 206 grocery stores authorized to sell beer and cider.

Ontario maintains a strong commitment to social responsibility. By law, grocers selling beer, cider or wine must have designated sales areas and operate within standard hours of sale, abide by limitations on package size and alcohol content, and meet staffing and social responsibility training requirements.

Giving consumers more choice and convenience, while creating a more dynamic and competitive business environment for beer and cider producers, is part of the government's plan to create jobs, grow our economy and help people in their everyday lives. 



  • The AGCO has authorized 76 new locations, with four more authorizations still ongoing.
  • Ontario continues to make the biggest changes to beverage alcohol retailing in 90 years.
  • Ultimately, beer and cider will be available in up to 450 grocery stores, including up to 300 that will also sell wine.
  • For a map and list of the currently authorized grocery stores that sell beer, wine or cider, visit ontario.ca/morechoice.
  • Allowing beer and wine in grocery stores implements the recommendations made by the Premier's Advisory Council on Government Assets. Changes to beverage alcohol retailing in Ontario include the sale of beer in grocery stores, the sale of cider in grocery storesonline shopping at LCBO.com and the sale of wine in grocery stores.



(Source: The Government of Onrario)
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