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—— 专访万锦市第四选区市议员Karen Rea
来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2017-05-03 23:08:42   作者:贴心姐妹网
房屋论坛(4)“对无限期空置的房屋应征收空屋税”——专访万锦市第四选区市议员Karen Rea

©Karen Rea    万锦市第四选区市议员 Karen Rea

鉴于万锦市飙升的房价, 万锦市第四选区市议员 Karen Rea今年二月在市议会提出一项动议(第二选区市议员何胡景附议),请求省政府遵循温哥华市的做法、在全省范围向外国房地产买家征收15%房产转让税的动议,结果4票赞成,7票反对,动议未能通过。

Karen Rea如何看安省政府推出的16条抑制房价的新政措施,她认为万锦市应采取什么具体措施?以下是贴心姐妹网对Karen Rea的书面专访。

Loving Sister: What are the major issues related to housing in Markham?

Karen Rea: Resales are unaffordable and many homes are over-valued.

There is a 8-10 year wait list for affordable housing

Lack of housing for seniors

Need more shelters for people that are homeless and  our homeless youth.

Loving Sister: Are the policies/measures announced by the provincial government through its "Ontario's Fair Housing Plan" and budget recently adequate to deal with the issues related to housing in Markham? If not, what kind of policies/measures do you propose?


Karen Rea: I think the Government’s fair housing plan is a step in the right direction, it will not resolve all the issues, but it is a good start.

Developers need to be encouraged to build rental properties.

More affordable housing and seniors housing needs to be built. We are going to have more seniors in the near future and where are they going to live? they would like to downsize and there is not enough bungalows or larger condos for them to move into. They do not want to live in 600 square feet but developers are not building larger condo units for seniors wishing to downsize or young families trying to enter the market of ownership.

Loving Sister: Should the City of Markham utilize some tools the provincial government offers such as a vacant homes property tax and airbnb/hotel tax?


Karen Rea: AirBNB does not help the housing market, it takes away from long term rentals.

I believe that a vacancy tax should be implemented for homes that are sitting empty indefinitely. Some of these homes are not being maintained and how do you get insurance on a vacant property. Residents want to belong to a community, we watch out for each other, when you have vacant homes on a street it takes away from the community feeling.

©Loving Sister Media Inc.

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