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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2017-04-22 10:21:48   作者:约克区政府
York Regional Council approved the designation of three new road sections for transit or high occupancy vehicles (Transit/HOV).

“Transit/HOV lanes maximize the speed and reliability of transit and permitted vehicles, creating attractive and efficient transportation options that minimize greenhouse gas emissions,” said York Region Chairman and CEO Wayne Emmerson. “This is another example of how we are continuing to develop our transportation network to meet the needs of current and future growth.”
“The expansion of our roads alone is not enough to provide the most efficient and sustainable transportation services our communities need to continue to thrive and grow,” said Town of Richmond Hill Regional Councillor Vito Spatafora, Chair of the Region’s Transportation Services. “Dedicated transit and HOV lanes will encourage people to consider commuting by using transit or carpooling, reducing the number of single vehicles on the road.”

Signs, similar to image below, will be installed indicating Transit/HOV lane(s).

During peak periods, these three road sections all carry more than 1,000 travellers per hour, using combined transit and private vehicles. Each designated section has already been or is currently being widened from four to six lanes to accommodate the new Transit/HOV lanes.

The Regional Municipality of York consists of nine local cities and towns, and provides a variety of programs and services to almost 1.2 million residents, 50,000 businesses and 595,000 employees. More information about the Region’s key service areas is available at York.ca/regionalservices

(The source: The Regional Municipality of York)

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