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来源:安省政府   更新:2017-03-10 08:20:21   作者:安省政府

With the sap now running at more than 2,500 sugar maple farms across the province, it's a great time to get out and learn about the syrup-making process, support local producers and enjoy this tasty Ontario treat.

Celebrate this sweet season by:

  • Touring a Maple Farm: Visit one of the many maple syrup festivals and events happening across the province. The first weekend of April is Ontario's Maple Weekend - when maple syrup producers open their doors to demonstrate how this natural sweetener is made, from tree to table.
  • Buying Local: Purchase Ontario-made maple syrup at your local grocery store or directly from a producer. Look for the Foodland Ontario or Ontario Maple Syrup logo.
  • Fusing Flavours: Chefs and home cooks alike are finding innovative and delicious ways to use maple syrup in their own recipes - from traditional dishes like Pear Tartlets with Maple Cream to more globally-inspired recipes such as Maple Garlic Spareribs and Cabbage, featured by Foodland Ontario.

Selecting Ontario maple products at your farmer's market or grocery store not only supports local producers, it creates good jobs and helps grow the province's economy as well. Last year, maple farmers across the province produced over 1.8 million litres of flavourful, high quality maple syrup, which directly contributed more than $32 million to Ontario's economy.

Supporting Ontario's maple farmers and producers is part of Ontario's plan to create jobs, grow the economy and help people in their everyday lives.



  • Ontario is one of Canada’s top three producers of maple syrup; Canada produces 80 per cent of the world’s syrup.
  • By mid-February, more than 2,500 Ontario producers will tap their trees; kick-starting the harvest season, which may run as late as April.
  • From March 11 to April 29, celebrate this sweet season at the many maple syrup festivals and events organized across the province.
  • Maple syrup, made from the sap of primarily sugar, red, soft and black maple trees, is a natural product with no additives and is a source of vitamins and minerals.
  • A good season of maple syrup production relies on weather conditions - warm days and freezing nights, which build pressure in the trees and make sap start to flow.


(Source: The Government of Ontario)

标签:枫糖 枫糖节
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