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特朗普对7个穆斯林国家难民关门 安省公民移民厅长Laura Albanese重申安省对难民的开门政策

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2017-01-29 07:06:39   作者:Laura Albanese

Earlier today I spoke to the federal Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, and reiterated Ontario's open door stance with respect to receiving immigrants and refugees from all countries, irrespective of race, ethnicity or faith.


Ontario's economic and social strength is built on our traditions of openness and diversity. Since December 2015, Ontario has received approximately 20,000 refugees, including over 16,000 refugees fleeing the Syrian crisis and the remainder coming from other countries across the globe.


Communities across the province have embraced our new neighbours and through the collaborative efforts of governments, settlement agencies, the broader non-profit sector, the private sector as well as everyday Ontarians, refugees are finding homes, their children are attending school, jobs are being found and the process of integration is well underway.


I want to emphasize that the Ontario government is committed to ensuring that our province continues to be a safe destination for members of all faiths, including our brothers and sisters who practice the Muslim faith.


We will proudly continue to welcome people from all parts of the world as we continue to create economic security and opportunity and develop the diverse and inclusive communities where all people thrive.




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