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大多伦多地区连夜降雪 约克区政府为驾车者提供安全驾车提示

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-12-11 20:24:52   作者:贴心姐妹网

York Region staff patrol the Regional road network night and day to monitor weather and road conditions. Patrol vehicles are equipped with sensors that gauge the temperature of the road surface and better identify when roads may need to be treated.

York Region is responsible for the maintenance of approximately 1,100 kilometres (or more than 4,100 lane-kilometres) of roadways across all nine cities and towns. During the winter months this includes snow plowing, snow removal, sanding, salting and use of salt-brine to help prevent ice build-up on roads.

All snow plow trucks are equipped with electronic spreader controls to help ensure the right amount of anti-ice materials are released at the right time, in the right place, minimizing impacts of salt to the environment.

York Region uses a road weather information system to track rain, snow and ice and GPS tracking to maximize the effectiveness of the winter maintenance fleet before, during and after winter storms.

Motorists should also take precautions when travelling during changing road conditions by:  

  • Staying off roads, if possible, during extreme weather conditions
  • Letting us do the driving by taking YRT/Viva
  • Giving yourself extra time to get to your destination
  • Having winter tires on your vehicle
  • Clearing snow, ice and frost from all windows, headlights, tail lights and roof
  • Making sure your windshield fluid and vehicle fuel is topped up
  • Carrying a roadside emergency kit
  • Following us on Twitter for road updates

If you have to be on the road, please give snowplows plenty of room:

  • Drive a safe distance behind the plow; you may see them, but they may not see you if you are following too closely
  • Only pass snow removal vehicles when a safe passing area is available and the lane is clear of snow or treated with salt or sand; do not pass on the right
  • When passing a snowplow, be sure to leave plenty of space; plows are wider than most vehicles and portions of the plow and blade may be obscured by blowing snow
  • Don’t travel beside a snowplow; they can shift sideways after moving snow drifts

(Source:The Regional Municipality of York)

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