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加拿大天才音乐家科恩的古巴之旅与他的诗作 (视频)

来源:加广中文   更新:2016-11-19 10:28:49   作者:赵黎
加拿大天才音乐家科恩的古巴之旅与他的诗作 (视频)

图片来源: Youtube


加拿大极具天才和特色的音乐家、诗人莱昂纳德·科恩(Leonard Cohen)去世已有近两个星期,这个突然的消息继续震撼着世界上的很多人。



Cohen performs at the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on July 5, 2013 © Fabrice Coffrini/AFP/Getty Images


在本周加拿大总理贾斯汀·特鲁多访问古巴之际,加拿大皇后大学(Queen’s University)的历史学教授 Karen Dubinsky 给加拿大广播公司CBC新设立的栏目 Opinion section 撰写了一篇文章,谈到科恩1961年对古巴进行的一次鲜为人知的旅行。





Karen Dubinsky 写道,1961年3月,莱昂纳德·科恩来到了古巴,这是一个极不寻常的时刻,古巴革命 (1959)刚刚过去几年,那里的局面混乱、不稳定。




科恩曾经告诉传记作家Ira Nadel,这次的古巴之旅,纯粹是出于好奇,想寻找冒险的感觉,他当时描述自己是 “哈瓦那的最后一个旅游者”。





Fidel Castro, in glasses, sits inside a tank near Playa Giron, Cuba, during the Bay of Pigs invasion, in this April 17, 1961. © Raul Corrales/Granma/Canadian Press


1961年4月份,美国对古巴发起了著名的的“猪湾入侵” (Bay of Pigs invasion),以失败告终,哈瓦那在准备迎战,气氛一片紧张。


在这个时候的哈瓦那,留着胡子、穿着卡其裤、来自蒙特利尔市的科恩,看上去颇为有些 “格格不入”。








毕竟,当你走在哈瓦那著名的普拉多大道 (Paseo del Prado)上,战机从头顶掠过,那种感觉,大概没有什么人会想起来写诗。



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“The Only Tourist in Havana Turns His Thoughts Homeward”:



Come, my brothers,


let us govern Canada,


let us find our serious heads,


let us dump asbestos on the White House,


let us make the French talk English,


not only here but everywhere,


let us torture the Senate individually


until they confess,


let us purge the New Party,


let us encourage the dark races


so they’ll be lenient


when they take over,


let us make the CBC talk English,


let us all lean in one direction


and float down


to the coast of Florida,


let us have tourism,


let us flirt with the enemy,


let us smelt pig-iron in our back yards,


let us sell snow


to under-developed nations,


(It is true one of our national leaders


was a Roman Catholic?)


let us terrorize Alaska,


let us unite


Church and State,


let us not take it lying down,


let us have two Governor Generals


at the same time,


let us have another official language, 


let us determine what it will be,


let us give a Canada Council Fellowship


to the most original suggestion,


let us teach sex in the home


to parents,


let us threaten to join the U.S.A.


and pull out at the last moment,


my brothers, come,


our serious heads are waiting for us somewhere


like Gladstone bags abandoned


after a coup d’état,


let us put them on very quickly,


let us maintain a stony silence


on the St. Lawrence Seaway.


Leonard Cohen, Havana, April 1961


(RCI 赵黎,CBC,Karen Dubinsky)


(加拿大国际广播及CBC/Radio-Canada版权所有 网站:www.rcinet.ca 微信ID:radio-canada)




Leonard Cohen — 'The last tourist in Havana'


Leonard Cohen, "The Only Tourist in Havana Turns His Thoughts Homeward"

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