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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-11-03 09:46:05   作者:贴心姐妹网




“I am pleased today to put forward six exceptional candidates as new Senators representing Ontario. These men and women were selected using the Government’s new merit-based system, a real example of democracy in action that will contribute to a more modern and independent Upper Chamber. I look forward to working with those summoned to the Senate and seeing them use their remarkable knowledge and experience to benefit our great country.”


"Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that he will recommend to the Governor General six new Senators to represent Ontario.

On behalf of the people of Ontario, I want to congratulate Gwen Boniface, Tony Dean, Sarabjit S. Marwah, Lucie Moncion, Kimberly Pate and Howard Wetston. They all have outstanding records of service across several sectors of society and represent many different walks of life. I am confident that they will bring their vast expertise to the table to serve the best interests of people across this province.

I am pleased that the Prime Minister has recommended these six very able people. The Senate plays an important role as a chamber of sober second thought and I wish the new appointees well."

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