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Can Poetry Matter?

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-09-08 05:49:34   作者:Anna Yin(星子安娜)
Can Poetry Matter?


Can Poetry Matter? Once it was a very hot topic in USA raised by Dana Gioia (now State of California Poet Laureate) in 1991 (a video on April, 2016).

Now read what Canadian poets say:

Professor at University of Toronto, Richard Greene

I am like a fish asked to discuss water.

Parliamentary Poet Laureate of Canada,  George Elliott Clarke

It is organic, physical, and as instinctive to human beings as is breathing. When I am depressed or when I am gay, I want words to augment my feelings. I want

words that help me cry or make me laugh. So, poetry is irrepressible.

First Poet Laureate of Edmonton, Alberta, Alice Major

Poetry matters because language is our human birthright. We carefully learn its sounds and rhythms as infants, we play with it all the time — and then we forget how to play. But it is the serious playfulness of poems that makes words matter, makes them resonate and stick with us. When we need to say important things, we turn to poetry.

Rebecca Anne Banks: Yes, poetry matters. The Prime Minister says so.

Upcoming Poetry Event

Poetry Night: Readings with Canadian Poets Laureate is a special event that will host Poets Laureate from across Ontario including the Parliamentary Poet Laureate of Canada. The evening will consist of spoken word performances and a round robin of readings all focused on the theme of music, sports, film and life.

The evening will be moderated by Governor General Award Winner for Poetry, Richard Greene. Meet Poets Laureate from across Ontario including:

Parliamentary Poet Laureate of Canada,George Elliott Clarke

Windsor Poet Laureate, Marty Gervais

Brantford Poet Laureate, John B. Lee

Mississauga Youth Poet Laureate, Rebecca Zseder

Mississauga Poet Laureate, Anna Yin


7:00-9:00pm, September 14

Noel Ryan Auditorium, Mississauga Central Library

Register for this free event through Eventbrite

标签:诗歌 重要性
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